William Jones 1661

NLW Ref: LL/1663/30

In the name of God Amen the tenth day of Aprill in the thirteenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the faith &c I William Jones of Goytrey in the Countie of Monmouth gent being weake of body but of pfect mind and memory (praise be given unto Almighty God) doe make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following.

First I resigne my soule into the hands of my redeemer well knowing that what is there lodged cannot be taken thence and my body to be buried in Christian buriall in the pish church of Goytrey.

I give devise and bequeath to William the reputed sonne of Rees Jones my sonne the sume of one hundred pounds & my will is that Charles Hughes of Trellegg doe dispose of the same att interest upon good security and cause the increase and interest of the same to be duly paid for and toward the maintenance of the sayd William untill he shall attaine unto his full yeares of one and twenty, but if in the meanetime the sayd Charles Hughes doth find any way of disposing of him to any advantagious imployment for his better support hereafter in the world, then my will is that by the consent of his father eyther the sayd whole sume of one hundred pounds or soe much thereof as they shall thinke fitt & find usefull for the doeing of the same be disposed of for that purpose.

Alsoe I give unto Edward the reputed sonne of Rees Jones my sonne the sume of fiftie pounds which saied sume is now in the possession of my saied sonne Rees Jones? my will is that the same be likewise disposed of att interest upon security by my? saied loveing friend Mr Charles Hughes & that the interest & increase of the same be duely paied towards the mainetenance & support of the sayd Edward untill he be of a fitting age to be placed in some calling and profession in the world and then my will is that my friend Mr Hughes with the consent of his father doe settle, place and dispose of him & his money as to my saied friend shall seeme most fitt & convenient.

My further will is that if eyther of the sayd children doe dye before they atteine unto the age of one and twenty or be by my sayd friend Mr Charles Hughes disposed of into imployments or professions then my will is that the sume hereby given unto him that shall happen to dye doe remaine & be payd & I hereby give and bequeath the same unto him that shall happen to survive of them & if both of them doe happen to dye before they attaine & come unto the age aforesayd or be disposed of as before directed, then my will is I doe hereby give and bequeath the sayd severall sumes unto Rees Jones my sonne (if he be then liveing)

Item I doe devise and bequeath unto Rees Jones my sonne all my lands and tenements in Llanelen to have and to hould to him his executors administrators or assignes duering all the time and tearme yet to come and unexpired in the same.

Item I give devise and bequeath unto Gwenllian Thomas my servant one blacke cowe and calfe.

Alsoe I doe nominate & appoint my sonne Rees Jones my sole executor of this my will.

In witnesse whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare above written.


Wm Jones his mke

Sealed and published in the pr’sence of

Chas Hughes;

Blaynch Powell;

Charles William Phe


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