Daniel Edwards 1710

Noverint universi per presents nos Thomas Morgan     pochi de Goytre   in Comitatu   Glamorgan & Diocese of Llandaff yeoman and William Evans of the parish of Goytre aforesaid     teneri et firmiter obligari  centum libris   bone et Legalis monete Anglie solvendis eidem  aut certo attornato executorbus administrators vel assign suis ad quam quidem solutionem bene et fideliter faciendam obligamus nos et utrumque nostrum per se pro toto et in solidum heredes, executors et administrators nostros firmiter per presents per presentes sigillis nostris sigillatas Date 7 Feb 1710/11


The condition of this obligation is such that whereas Letters of admon? Of the body and goods of Gwenllian Evans the n’rall and lawfull daughter of David Evans of the parish of Goytre aforesaid are granted to the above bounden Thomas Morgan if therefore the said Thomas Morgan according to the trust in him reposed will take care of the person and goods of the said minor in manageing the same to her best pfitt and advantage and will likewise give a true and just account of his receipts and disbursements for and to the use of the said minor then this obligation to be void or else to remain in full force and vertue. Thomas (X) Morgan; William Evans

Sealed and delivered in the presence of Robt Griffiths

David Evans 1710

NLW Ref: LL/1710/49

David Evans – Goytre

Noverint universi per presents nos Thomas Morgan  pochi de Goytre   in Comitatu   Glamorgan & Diocese of Llandaff yeoman and William Evans of the parish of Goytre aforesaid teneri et firmiter obligari centum libris bone et Legalis monete Anglie solvendis eidem  aut certo attornato executorbus administrators vel assign suis ad quam quidem solutionem bene et fideliter faciendam obligamus nos et utrumque nostrum per se pro toto et in solidum heredes, executors et administrators nostros firmiter per presents per presentes sigillis nostris sigillatas Date 7 Feb 1710/11


The condition of this obligation is such that whereas Letters of admon? Of the body and goods of Gwenllian Evans the n’rall and lawfull daughter of David Evans of the parish of Goytre aforesaid are granted to the above bounden Thomas Morgan if therefore the said Thomas Morgan according to the trust in him reposed will take care of the person and goods of the said minor in manageing the same to her best pfitt and advantage and will likewise give a true and just account of his receipts and disbursements for and to the use of the said minor then this obligation to be void or else to remain in full force and vertue. Thomas (X) Morgan; William Evans

Sealed and delivered in the presence of Robt Griffiths

Anne George 1704

NLW Ref: LL/1704/49

Anne George – Goytrey

Noverint universi per presents nos Thos George pochi de Mamhilad in Comitatu Monmouth yeoman & Henry Scudamore of the parish of Ragland in the aforesaid County yeoman teneri et firmiter obligari   decem libris bone et Legalis monete Anglie solvendis eidem aut certo attornato executorbus administrators vel assign suis ad quam quidem solutionem bene et fideliter faciendam obligamus nos et utrumque nostrum per se pro toto et in solidum heredes, executors et administrators nostros firmiter per presents per presentes sigillis nostris sigillatas Date 29 August 1704 & in the third year of the Reign of Anne of England Scotland Fraunce & Ireland, Queen


The condition of this obligation is such that if ye above bounden Thomas George ye husband and administrator of all and singular ye goods chells and credits of Anne George late of ye pish of Goytre in ye County of Monmouth deceased doe make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattells and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of him the said Thomas George or into the hands and possession of any person or persons for him and the same soe made doe exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the Consistory Court of Landaffe at or before the last day of November next ensuing. And the same goods chattells and credits and all other the goods chattells & credits of the said deceased at the time of her death which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Thomas George or into the hands & possession of any other person or persons for him doe well and truely administer according to law or further doe make or cause to be made a true and just accompt of his sd ad’con at or before the last day of August Anno Dni 1705 and all the rest and residue of the said goods chattells and credits wch shall be found remaining upon the said administrators accompt the same being first examined and allowed by the Judge or Judges for the time being of the said Court shall deliver unto such person or persons respectively as the said Judge or Judges by his or their decree or sentence pursuant to the true intent and meaning of a late Act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth years of ye reigne of our late Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second intitled an Act for ye better settling of intestates estates, shall limitt and appoint. and if it shall hereafter appeare that any last will and Testament was made by the said deceased and the executor or executors therein named doe exhibit the same into the said Court making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Thomas George above bounden being thereunto required doe render and deliver the sd Letters of Administration (approbation of such testament being first had and made) in the said Court then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remaine in full force and vertue. Thos (X) George; Hen: (S) Scudamore

Sealed and delivered in the presence of Philip Maddocks; Tho Davies NP