Letter from Henry Ransden Detroit – 27th Sept 1796


27 Sept 1796       Fort Maldon mouth of the river Detroit

Sir, I had the misfortune to lose my dear wife on the 14th May last, leaving me with three small children, one boy and two girls.

The land you was pleased to leave in the possession of Mr Hazel and my deceased wife is taken possession of by the government and now a governor is erecting thereon and I understand that Mr Hazel has disposed of the southernmost house for some consideration towards payment. But for fear that I might enquire you in getting the value of your lands from government I have put the upper most house in possession of Douton Nasby who has undertook to take care of the instruction which you left, I never saw until about a month before the death of my dear companion who had entirely forgot her signing of the deed and after I was married and wanted to live in the upper house Mr Hazel asked me fifty bushells of wheat per year to live in it what I would not given and consequently hoped and have the please to inform that my children are all very well as I.

Sincerely hope you and yours are, please send my love to Mrs Bird and the children and,

I am Sir, with great regards your most humble servant

Henry Ransden


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