The Rival Schools at Goytre – 8th February 1869 Free Press
William Morgan, John Richards and David Evans, boys, were summoned for assaulting James Jones, another boy at Goytre.
Mr Alexander Edwards for complainant; Mr Greenway for defendants.
The case for the complainant was that on the day after the re-opening of Goytre National school, the master had gone to his dinner, when some 20 boys (including defendants) belonging to the Goytre British school, which is situated about mile off, walked down in a body to the National school and after a short parley at the gate, rushed into the schoolroom.
Some of them armed with sticks began beating the desks and forms and sprinkled the ink about.
The ringleaders seized the complainant, who was eating his dinner and saying “come back to our school” and dragging him outside.
He refused to go with them and lay down. They then kicked him and threatened to come back next day and “draw him back.”
The hearing of the case was postponed, as Col. Byrde declined to sit on the Bench during the hearing (Mr Evans had not at this time arrived) and Mr Llewellin said he would prefer adjourning the case to have the assistance of another magistrate, but he hoped to hear that it had been settled.
Mr Greenway said it was only a lot of children playing together and then falling out and they ought to kiss each other and make friends. He advised that the summons should be withdrawn.