Hickman, Mrs A – 1962

December 21st

The funeral of Mrs Margaret Ann Hickman, 70, of Ivy Cottage, Goytre, took place at St Peter’s Church.

Frank, husband; Les and Frank, sons; Nellie, daughter-in-law; George Bath, brother-in-law; John, grandson.

Others Present:
P Carpenter, T Shelton, D Shelton, J Jones, Bill Brooks, V Hall, Gwen and Joyce.

Loving husband Frank; Les, Nell, Frank and Kay; John, Betty, George and girls; Mr & Mrs Evans and family (Goytre); Mr & Mrs Evans and family, (New Inn); Mr & Mrs Hayes and family; Valerie and Philip Price; Hilda, John and the boys; Mr & Mrs Ward, (Monmouth); Mr & Mrs Kenny, (Goytre Arms); Friends and customers, Goytre Arms.


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