Walter Evans 1740

Indenture dated 1st December 1740

Between the Right Honourable William, Lord Abergavenny and Walter Evans of Goytree, mason.

Messuage, garden and three acres of land containing four acres lying in Goytree aforesaid late in lease to Jane Pritchard and joining to the west the lease lands of John Watkins on all other parts to the waste and highway leading from Usk to Abergavenny.

Also all that scite of a house late in lease to William Jenkins Jones containing three acres adjoining to the lands of Moses Lowman, gentleman.

All for the lives of Walter Evans, his heirs and assigns, Elizabeth his wife aged twenty five years, and Margaret Hugh, his wife’s sister aged twenty two years.

William Bandfield 1703

Lease dated 29th September 1703

Made between the Right Honourable George Lord Bergavenny and William Bandfield of the parish of Goytrey, tayler.

Witness that the Lord Bergavenny let unto William Banfield all that one cottage and two acres of land thereunto belonging being part of Pellenny common now in possession of himself William Bandfield for the lives of William Banfield, his daughters Mary and Anne and the life of the longest liver, yielding and paying unto the said Lord Bergavenny the sume of two shillings Herriot at the death without deduction.

James Prosser – 1784

James Prosser, now of the parish of Goytre.

Unto my sons William and Thomas Prosser, their heirs and assigns, all my messuages, tenements commonly called and known by the name of Crown and Sceptre, lying and being in a street called Frogmore Street Abergavenny.

To have and to hold unto my said sons, William and Thomas jointly to share and share alike, if William should die then all unto Thomas.

To William all my wearing apparel together with my straw chair.
To my daughter Elizabeth by my former wife, one feather bed, bolster and pillow and the curtains thereunto belonging.
All the remainder of my personal estate whatsoever I give and bequeath to William and Thomas.

James Prosser.


Roger Morgan 1681

Roger Morgan, of ye pish of Goytree, sicks in body but of good and perfect memory.

To my sone Oliver Morgan one heifer within one year after my decease.
To Elizabeth Morgan my daughter one ewe and lamb at her side.
Unto grandchild Charles Morgan one ewe and lamb.
All the remainder of my Goodes, cattle and chattels, corn and grain in the house and in the barnes and all my household stuff and implements of household unto my loving wife Heaster Morgan, who I appoint to be sole executrix.

Roger Morgan


Richard Watkins – 1788

To wife Alice all and singular my goods, chattels and personal estate of what nature or kind whatsoever.

After her death I give and bequeath unto my brother William Watkins.
Unto William Morgan, the younger the parish of Llantilio Crossenny, yeoman, (nephew of my said wife) the sum of five pounds.
To William Morgan of the parish of Llanthewy Rhytherch five pounds.
After the death of my wife I give and bequeath all the rest and residue unto my nephew Jacob Watkins and my niece Anne Williams, (wife of Jeremiah Williams)

I appoint my friend William Morgan of Penstair, yeoman, executor of this my last will and testament.

Richard Watkins

John ap John 1679

John ap John, parish of Goytree, sice in body but of good and perfect memory.

To be buried in Xpian burial in the posh church of Llanellen.

Unto Elizabeth my wife all my messuages, lands and tenements wch purchased from William Phillip of Cwmjoy and other lands purchased from Jenkins Parry and Barbara Parry of the pish of Trevethin lying the the parishes of Goytree and Trevethin.

After decease of Elizabeth lands of William Phillip of Cwmjoy unto James John  my eldest son, James giving unto my son William the sum of ten pounds of current English money after the decease of Elizabeth the lands of Jenkins and Barbara Parry unto my son William John.

Unto Elizabeth my said wife, the lands and tenements purchased of Thomas Jones of Lanvrechva after her death unto William John my son.

John ap John – his mark

Eleanor Jones – Cefn Mynog


Eleanor Jones, wife of Daniel of Cefn Mynog in the parish of Goytre, retired farmer.

Ebenezer Rees of Blaenavon and William Lewis, Lan Farm Goytre, my trustees £5 legacy each.

The messuage in which I reside to my said husband Daniel Jones, then to daughter Sarah, wife of John, of the “King of Prussia” in the parish of Llangattock Usk.

To Sarah Morgan £100
To Ellen Heaven wife of Henry of the Cefn in the parish of Lanvaire Kilgeddin £20
To Ann Davies wife of Morgan Davies of Crumlin Street Pontypool £20
To Eliza, the wife of the said William Lewis £20
To John Williams of near Aaron Chapel Goytre £10.

Eleanor Jones by mark

John Jenkins 1813

John Jenkins 1813

I John Jenkins of the parish of Goytrey, farmer being sick in body but of sound disposing mind, memory and understanding.

To my beloved wife Elizabeth Jenkins all my money, securities for money, goods and chattels and effects of what kind of nature or kindsoever and wheresoever the same may be at the time of my death during the term of her widowhood.


Mark of John Jenkins


John Harry 1688

John Harry 1688

John Harry, pishe of Goytrey, yeom being sicke in boddy yet good and perfect memory.

To wife Florence Powell one black cow and one red horse.

Also to Florence two oxon during her life time, after her desese unto Elizabeth Harry my well beloved daughter.

Unto Elizabeth Harry two black cowes with white forhed.

All the corne growing on the ground where I doe live unto Elizabeth Harry upon condition she do lend unto her brother William Harry the sume of six bushels of wheat and muncorne and likewise eight bushels of oats and the sume of four bushels of barley.

Unto my beloved sone all the boonds that is within the house and without unto William my said sone and all the furniture that doth belong.

I doe nominate my well beloved daughter Elizabeth Harry to be my sole executrix.

John Harry


Gwellian Beavan 1713

Gwellian Beavan 1713

Of the parish of Goytre, sick in boyde but good and perfect memory.

£10 to David Beavan my executor.

£15 wch money lieth in the hand of Charles Morgan to be payed this month after my decease to my best beloved father the sum of six pounds ten shillings.

To my best beloved brother William Beavan six pounds and sixteen shillings wch mony lieth in William Beavan and then ten shillings to be paid to my executor, to be paid three years after my decease.

Give and bequeath to my beloved sister Jane, the wife of John Morgan, one shilling.

To Cecgill Walters the wife of Beavan all my wearing apparel and the rest of my goods.

To my executor, David Beavan, my father of Goytre, I appoint executor,

The mark of Gwellian Beavan.