School Log 1868

Jan 26 opened school with 26 children.  Weather very wet during the week Jan 26 Tue Gave children a lesson the the first miraculous draught of fishes: Col Byrde called today
Jan 27 Wed Gave third class a lesson in simple subtraction – the result very satisfactory
Jan 28 Thur Had complaints of some of the boys for proceedings at the Goytrey School: Col Byrde and myself spoke to the children
Jan 29 Fri Gave Col Byrde £2.10.10. 43/1 of which was school pence. Gave examination questions in arithmetic to 1st and 2nd classes and placed children in positions accordingly
Feb 1 admitted 14 children Feb 1 Mon Small attendance in day School.  Junior monitor absent all day
Feb 2 admitted 3 children.  Weather still very unfavourable Feb 2 Tue Gave children in first, second and third classes some miscellaneous problems in arithmetic.  Col Byrde called in in afternoon.
Feb 3  Wed School visited by Col Byrde.  Gave lesson in reading to fourth class.  Had singing 1/4 hour.
Feb 4  Thur Fair attendance in evening school: a deficiency in lights some of the pupils unable to do their work.
Feb 5 Fri Scripture lesson the parable of the Prodigal Son
Feb 8 admitted 2 children.  Much rain and wind. Many children absent in consequence Feb 8 Mon Admitted one new scholar. Very poor attendance owing to heavy rain.
Feb 9 Tue Several boys late in the afternoon: Scripture lesson the Parable of the Sower. Gave 1st and 2nd classes some miscellaneous problems on the first three rules in arithmetic.  Junior monitor absent
Feb 10 Wed Gave mental arithmetic lessons to first class much better attendance.
Feb 11 Scripture lesson: The Parable of the Tares: A division of the third class taught simple multiplication
Feb 12 Rather poor attendance owing to falls of snow and stormy weather generally.  /Gave Col Byrde £ school pence and money for school apparatus.
Feb 15 admitted three children.  Weather much improved Feb 15 Several new scholars admitted. Better attendance to evening school tonight owing to lecture being given in school room by Rev Phillipson “Rowland Hill”.
Feb 16 Tue Vary fair attendance at evening school
Feb 17  Wed Subtraction: lesson on given to the third class: very good attendance
Feb 18 Thur Nothing of importance happened today.
Feb 19 Fri Examined 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes and placed children in positions accordingly. Result in first class unsatisfactory.
Admitted 5 children Feb 22 Mon School visited by Col Byrde accompanied by the Rev Baker and family: good attendance: children had a little singing
Feb 23 Tue Gave Geography lesson to first and second classes
Feb 24 Wed Arithmetic lesson to 4th class.  1st and 2nd class learnt para of Sermon on the Mount from 5th Chapter of Matthew
Feb 25 Thur Scripture lesson continued 3rd class had a simultaneous reading lesson: Night school open 40 times
Feb 26 Fri Examined first and second classes in arithmetic . Second class result very satisfactory. Gave Col Byrde £1.11.11 of which 24/9  and 2/10 was pence: from children’s fees in day and evening school
Admitted 5 children Mar 1 Mon Admitted one new scholar: attendance very poor at night school only three present.
Admitted 1 child Mar 2 Tue Gave lesson to first class in reduction: the night scholars met at 7
Mar 3 Expelled Mary, Ellen, Annie and John Williams for insolent messages from their parents, also Sarah and Matilda Watkins for the same reasons Mar 3 Wed Continued lesson in reduction: Gave lesson in reading to third class: Received 2£ from Col Byrde on account of salary.
Mar 4 Thur Gave grammar lesson to 1st and 2nd classes and the parts of speech and the construction of a sentence.  Closed the night school it having been open 43 times
Mar 5 Examined first class in arithmetic: result still unsatisfactory: Gave lesson to the same class in reductions
Mar 8 Many children absent from illness Mar 8 Mon Admitted several new scholars: better attendance than of late:Mrs Byrde spent a short time with the girls when sewing.
Mar 9 Tue (Turner (monitor) absent had leave for the next month: Gave grammar lesson to the first and second classes on the “noun”
Mar 10 Wed Miss Payne sewing mistress absent this afternoon very ill
Mar 11 Thur Continued lessons of Tuesday on the “noun”
Mar 12 Sent (blank) to Col Byrde
Mar 13 Came to live at the school house
Mar 8 Miss E Matthews entered upon her duties as sewing mistress
Mar 15 Days agreed for sewing Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Mar 15 Mon Attendance rather smaller; gave lesson in division to second class; and multiplication to third class
Mar 16 Tue Gave Grammar lesson to 1st and 2nd classes
Mar 17 Commenced drawing in the school Mar 17 Wed Gave lesson on Division to second classes
Mar 18 Sewing class very well conducted Mar 18 Thur Recapitulated previous Grammar lessons
Mar 19 Very wet attendance only 33 weekly examination postponed in consequence Mar 19 Fri Examined 1st and 2nd classes in Arithmetic
Mar 22 Nothing of consequence occurred today Mar 22 Mon Fair attendance: The Revd Davies called in the morning: Gave recapitulation lesson in Arithmetic to first and second classes
Mar 23 Drawing as usual Mar 23  Tue Scripture lesson Matt 10 : 1 – 15: Grammar lesson on the “Adjective” in the afternoon: Writing lesson (the formation and recognition of the letters) to fourth classes.
Mar 24 Miss Matthews applied for permission to stay away on the following day Mar 24 Wed Received 7£ from Col Byrde on account of salary.
Mar 25 Broke up school for the easter holidays 25th to April 5th Mar 25 Thur Very fair attendance: broke up for a few days for a holiday: Gave Col Byrde £1.1.11 1/2
Fir 26th Mon 29 Tue 30 Holiday: Easter time
Mar 31 Wed Reopened school today: Very few children present – detained by the parents to assist in agricultural operations
Apr 1 Thur Attendance very small again; Gave lesson in division by factors: also numeration and notation lesson to third class
Apr 2 Fri Nothing or importance happened today
Apr 5 Recommenced school, attendance thin probably from “potato setting” Apr 5 Mon Admitted one new scholar: very fair attendance about 68:Gave writing lesson to fourth class
Apr 6 Nothing of importance took place Apr 6 Tue Recapitulated previous grammar lessons; continued lesson in writing to the fourth class.
Apr 7 Sewing as usual Apr 7 Wed Examined 3rd class in Reading; divided them into drafts 1 and 2 accordingly to efficiency.
Apr 8 Sewing as usual Apr 8 Thur Grammar lesson to first and second class
Apr 9 Examined the children found them rather deficient in their knowledge of the Geography of Palestine Apr 9 Fri Examined first class in arithmetic; result very good: Devoted 1/2 hour to acquisition of the “Table of Weights & Measures”
Apr 11 Attendance still very thin
Apr 12 Nothing of importance today Apr 12 Mon Sent 28/6 to Col Byrde: attendance not so good as last week: feel a great need of assistance in this school work; some of parents object to children being monitors others deficient in influence and ability.
Apr 13 Sewing mistress unwell arithmetic Apr 13 Tue Grammar lesson to 1st & 2nd classes, writing to fourth class.
Apr 14 All as usual today Apr 14 Wed Home lessons to first and second classes the Tables of Weights and Measures.
Apr 15 Same as usual Apr 15 Thur General grammar lesson: Miscellaneous problems in Arithmetic to first class.
Apr 16 Fri Examined 1st and 2nd classes in Arithmetic
Apr 18 Attendance better
Apr 19 Nothing of importance Apr 19  Mon Attendance rather low:  Many children late. Scripture lesson “The Parable of the Labourer in the Vineyard”
Apr 20 Same as usual Apr 20 Tue Gave 1st and 2nd classes a Grammar Exercise also some Miscellaneous questions in Arithmetic.
Apr 21 Same as usual Apr 21 Wed Gave some Examples in Reduction to first class
Apr 22 Gave a half-holiday to have school cleaned Ar 22 Thur 1st and second classes had Grammar lesson
Apr 23 Fri Sent 17/3 to Col Byrde this morning – 16/4 of which was school fees
Apr 26 Admitted ? Children Apr 26 Mon About 55 in attendance: Scripture lesson part of Matt 21
Apr 27 Nothing of importance Apr 27 Tue Col Byrde visited the school today: 1st and 2nd classes had Grammar lesson: Home lesson the Tables
Apr 28 Nothing of importance Apr 28 Wed Nothing of importance happened today.
Apr 29 taught children new song Apr 29 Thur Scripture lesson fourth class Matt 6 : 5 & 6
Apr 30 Prepared for drawing examination which is to take place  May 5th Apr 30 Fri Writing lesson to the fourth class: Tables to 1st and 2nd
May 3 Admitted one child May 3 Mon Attendance rather low: Admitted two new scholars. Commenced writing in Copy Books.
May 4 Preparing for drawing exam May 4 Tue Grammar lesson the Pronouns: Scripture lesson “The entry of Christ into Jerusalem”.
May 5 Drawing examination. Rev Thos Evans Rector of Goytrey: and Rev E Evans Rector of Crickhowell attended as committee attended. 12 children presented May 5 Wed Nothing of importance happened today.
May 6 Nothing of importance today May 6 Thur Feel the need of monitors or pupil teacher very much: No play today owing to rain.  Poor attendance.  Arithmetic lesson to first and second classes.on division by factors.
May 7 Examined the school in reading ? Arithmetic and Sculpture May 7 Fri Examined first and second classes in arithmetic – the result was very satisfactory.
May 10 Sewing mistress away through ill-health.  Attendance very poor. May 10 Mon Atendance rather better: Altered the school routine a little. Change satisfactory.
May 11 Several children unwell May 11 Tue Grammar lesson to 1st and 2nd on the significant ? Of verbs
May 12 Nothing of importance took place today May 12 Wed First two classes committee the Parable of the Ten Virgins to memory: lesson in the afternoon in division by “factors”
May 13 Same as usual May 13 Thur Lesson in Reading to fourth classes.
May 14 Examined the school. May 14 Fri Poor attendance owing to a fair in the neighbourhood: Had an arithmetic examination for the 1st and 2nd classes the result satisfactory.  Cautioned some boys about trespassing upon the lands of one of the parish farmers.
May 17 Whit Monday.  Gave a holiday May 17 Mon Attendance very low: owing to the Volunteer review at Pontypool and a club feast in the neighbourhood
May 18 Admitted three children  May 18 Tue Still a very poor attendance; but much better.
May 19 Nothing of importance today May 19 Wed 40 in attendance: Scripture lesson Matt 25
May 20 Weather very wet prevented children attending May 20 Thur Mr Gwatkin, a committee member visited the school this morning.
May 21 Nothing of importance today May 21 Fri Holiday today
May 24 Attendance slightly better. Sewing as usual May 24 Mon Scripture lesson Matt 26 part 1. Fair attendance
May 25 Recommenced drawing May 25 Tue Grammar lesson to first two classes on number.
May 26 Sewing as usual May 26 Wed Dictation lesson to first classes. Also arithmetic lesson the reduction of Weights and Measures.  Lesson in multiplication of two figures to third class. Attendance rather low on account of rains.
May 27 Nothing of importance today May 27 Thur Arithmetic lesson in reduction to first class continued.
May 28 Same as usual May 28 Fri Gave some general sums on the first four rules to first and second class.  Also arithmetic lesson to third class in multiplication by tens.  Sent £1.3.5 1/2 to Col Byrde
May 31 Sewing mistress away through illness May 31 Mon Commenced teaching the Commandments as given in the XX c Exodus:  attendance very fair
Jun 1 Nothing of importance occurred today Jun 1 Tue Gave a Grammar lesson on the tules for forming the plurals of nouns: these were committed to memory as the home lesson of the Upper classes.
Jun 2 Missionary meeting took place in the school room at 7 p m Jun 2 Wed Taught the third class the art of multiplying by hundreds.  Gave dictation lesson to first and second classes.
Jun 3 Sewing as usual Jun 3 Thur Nothing of importance happened today.
Jun 4 Nothing of importance today Jun 4 Fri Examined the first two classes in Arithmetic – the examples being based upon the first four rules. Children learnt the verses of hymn
Jun 7 Admitted one child. Attendance very fair Jun 7 Mon School rather fuller; one or two new scholars. Children rehearsed the “Ten Commandments as recorded in the XX c Exodus: very hot today in school-room.
Jun 8 Drawing as usual Jun 8 Tue Had Tables for a quarter of an hour: Gave grammar lesson to first and second classes on gender.  Home lesson reproduction of the grammar lesson.
Jun 9 Nothing of importance today Jun 9 Wed Devoted much time today to the fourth class.
Jun 10 Nothing of importance today Jun 10 Thur Continued lessons of Wednesday to fourth class
Jun 11 Examined the children in reading, writing and arithmetic Jun 11 Fri Very few children late today; Dictation lesson was given to 1st and 2nd classes.
Jun 14 Admitted seven children Jun 14 Mon Very fair attendance; Scripture lesson “The Peters denies Christ”. Gave arithmetic lesson to first and second classes on compound division.
Jun 15 Several children kept at home working Jun 15 Tue The lower classes repeated the first four commandments. Grammar lesson to Upper classes with exercise upon “Gender”.
Jun 16 Lost Key of desk, obliged to break the desk open Jun 16 Wed Scripture lesson Matt xxvii; fair attendance
Jun 17 Nothing of importance today Jun 17 Thur Col Byrde called in the morning: Gave dictation lesson to first and second classes.
Jun 18 Examined the children as usual Jun 18 Fri Gave some miscellaneous problems to first class in arithmetic.
Jun 21 Admitted two children Jun 21 Mon Rather poor attendance in consequence of children being detained at home to assist parents in hay fields. Scripture lesson Matt 27ch
Jun 22 Two children ill at home Jun 22 Tue Gave first class some arithmetical problems “weights and measures” ; Grammar lesson in the afternoon in the “Inflection of the adjective”
Jun 23 Nothing of importance today Jun 23 Wed Gave first classes some exercises in Square and Long measures. Changed the position of girls for sewing exercise.
Jun 24 Nothing of importance today Jun 24 Thur Northing of importance happened today
Jun 25 Examined the children as usual Jun 25 Fri Scripture lesson Matt xxvii
Jun 28 Sewing mistress applied for leave next week. Jun 28 Mon Scripture lesson Marr xxviii in part: attendance rather lower; admitted one new scholar
Jun 29 Nothing of importance today Jun 29 Tue Col Byrde and expressed a wish to have a public examination of children at the end of July.
Jun 30 Nothing of importance today Jun 30 Wed Got children to copy the Harvest song:
Jul 1 Children at home haymaking Jul 1 Thur Scripture lesson Matt xxviii in full: Confined the arithmetic lesson of the first class to certain of the sums in weights and measures.
Jul 2 Examination put off till next week Jul 2  Fri Col Byrde called today: Examined third class in arithmetic, and placed them in positions accordingly.
Jul 5 Sewing mistress came as usual. Her visit to her friends put off till next week. Jul 5 Mon Attendance somewhat better; Miss Payne – sewing mistress absent being poorly; Taught the children the song of the Reapers.
Jul 6 Nothing of importance today Jul 6    Tue Scripture lesson a continuation of Mondays; lesson from the xii c Exodus.
Jul 7 Nothing of importance today Jul 7 Wed Few children late, Miss Payne absent again this morning; Gave writing as the home lesson today.
Jul 8 Nothing of importance today Jul 8 Thur Taught children part of the verses of the hymn – “Sweet rest in heaven”
Jul 9 Examined the children Jul 9  Fri Repeated ten commandments; Finished the words of the above-named hymn – Miss Payne absent.
Jul 12 Attendance in the first class thin. One girl ill with inflammation on the lungs. Sewing mistress still in attendance, visit put off another week. Jul 12 Mon Practised the Reaper’s Song and “Sweet rest in Heaven” for an hour: Miss Payne still absent. Gave scripture lesson on the journey of the Israelites from Egypt across the Red Sea
Jul 13 Nothing of importance today Jul 13 Tue Coll Byrde called today – Practised singing again today.
Jul 14 Nothing of importance today Jul 14 Wed Col Byrde visited the school today; the terms of my second years arrangement from now to ? As those of last year – Had singing today
Jul 15 Nothing of importance today Jul 15 Thur Scripture lesson from Exodus
Jul 16 Examination took place today by myself Jul 16 Fri Examined the fourth class in reading, transcription and Arithmetic –  The first three were M Wilks, W Jenkins and
Jul 19 School Treat announced for Friday. Sewing mistress still at school. Jul 19 Mon Much better attendance: school much cooler today – weather not so hot: sang for half-hour
Jul 20 Nothing of importance took place today Jul 20 Tue Repeated the words of the Songs for the Public Examination.Had singing in the afternoon; Attendance today about 68 or 70. Scripture lesson iii Exodus
Jul 21 Full school this week Jul 21 Wed Taught children the words of another son entitled “Evening”
Jul 22 Nothing of importance today Jul 22 Thur Examined the first and second classes in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic  & Spelling.  Had a little singing today. Col Byrde called in the morning.
Jul 23 Special treat took place on the lawn of Rectory.  Number present including Sunday scholars only 86. Jul 23 Fri Practised the song evening for 1/4 hour – Col Byrde visited the school this afternoon.
Jul 26 Sewing mistress away for the week. Jul 26 Mon Scripture lesson to third class the “Passover” . Very good attendance.
Jul 27 Nothing of importance today Jul 27 Tue Grammar lesson being a recapitulation of former lessons – Col Byrde visited the school this morning.
Jul 28 Nothing of importance today Jul 28 Wed Gave third glass an Arithmetic lesson – and paid special attention to the backward ones
Jul 29 Examined the children Jul 29 Thur Gave an oral scripture lesson – Col Byrde visited – Broke up today for a months holiday – Gave Col Byrde £2.6.14. Examination of the scholars before the parents held and prizes were distributed to the most deserving pupils
Jul 30 Attendance low on account of the treat of the British School taking place.  Broke up school for the Harvest Vacation. Four weeks Friday July 30th to Aug 27th – Harvest Holiday
30 Aug Resumed school duties. Attendance very low, being the first week after the holidays and the harvest being not quite over. Sewing commenced in the afternoon. Admitted one girl. 30 Aug Mon. Reopened school today: very poor attendance; harvest not being completed in some parts of the neighbourhood. Col Byrde called this morning.
31 Aug School thin 31 Aug Tue. Attendance about 40. Col Byrde called this morning.
01 Sep Sewing as usual 01 Sep Wed. Scripture lesson taken from Exodus. Pharaohs pursuits after the Israelites: Dictation lesson to the second class.
02 Sep Nothing of importance today 02 Sep Nothing of importance happened today.
03 Sep Nothing of importance today 03 Sep First three classes devoted 1/2 hour to spelling. I asked children to call on the absentees of this week and if possible to bring them to school next week.  Scripture lesson Genesis XI.
06 Sep Attendance still thin.  Sewing mistress absent through ill health. School visited in the afternoon by Mrs Bernard and sister 06 Sep Mon. 57 in attendance; school rather close, few late. Scripture lesson Genesis XII.                               (page 29)
07 Sep Sewing mistress attended instead of previous day. 07 Sep Tue. Gave first class a lesson in simple proportion. First and second classes had lessons spelling lesson.
08 Sep Sewing as usual 08 Sep Wed. Scripture lesson Marr V 21 26 verses. Continued the lesson in proportion to the first class.
09 Sep Five boys late through going into the wood to gather nuts. Cautioned them not to go so far again at dinner time. 09 Sep Thur. Attendance rather lower owing to a meeting at Hanover Chapel (Llanover). Gave lesson in multiplication to third class.
10 Sep Examined the children. Arithmetic not good altogether in the second class. 10 Sep Poor attendance today: Heavy rain: Scripture lesson Genesis chapter XLII. Multiplication farthings, pence &shillings tables.
13 Sep Weather extremely wet and boisterous. Very thin attendance and no sewing in consequence. Window blown in on Friday evening. 13 Sep Mon Attendance lower owing to heavy rain. Scripture lesson Genesis 43.
14 Sep Weather still very rough.  Attendance a little better than the day previous. 14 Sep Tue Col Byrde attended the school this afternoon. Attendance about 54.
15 Sep Weather slightly improved, sewing as usual. 15 Sep Wed Scripture lesson Genesis 44 – home lesson arithmetic –  lesson in division by factors to 1st and 2nd classes.
16 Sep Sewing as usual 16 Sep Thur. A parcel of books came today.
17 Sep Examined the children. Arithmetic not up to the mark. Scripture deficient 17 Sep Fri.  Scripture lesson Genesis 45. 1st and second classes had spelling exercise. Third class read simultaneously.
20 Sep Better attendance owing to improved state of the weather. A few away picking nuts. Admitted two boys. Sewing as usual. 20 Sep Mon Scripture lesson taken from St Matthew C viii. Attendance better.
21 Sep Nothing of importance took place today 21 Sep Tue Fourth and Fifth class worked their arithmetic on paper.
22 Sep Sewing as usual.  Children a little noisy during sewing. 22 Sep Wed Scripture lesson Matt viii. Gave arithmetic to fourth and third class: Home lessons tables.
23 Sep Seing mistress absent 23 Sep Thur. Third class repeated part of  V Chapter of St Matthew. Attendance rather lower owing to a tea party in the neighbourhood. Col Byrde visited the school.
24 Sep Examined the children, a slight improvement in the subjects mentioned on the 17th inst.  Reading not fluent. 24 Sep Fri Scripture lesson from St Matthew IX: General Geography lesson in afternoon to 1st and 2nd classes.
27 Sep Several children present for the first time since the harvest vacation.  Sewing as usual 27 Sep Mon  Very fair attendance: Scripture lesson from St Matthew chapter IX. Col Byrde visited the school today. Girls rather disorderly in the sewing exercise.
28 Sep Children rather noisy in the school 28 Sep Tue Nothing of importance happened today              (page 31)
29 Sep No Sewing 29 Sep Scripture lesson – Reproduction of parable of the sower.
30 Sep No Sewing 30 Sep Thur Examined the second standard in arithmetic. Vary fair attendance
01 Oct Examined the school.  Scripture much improved. Arithmetic deficient among the girls.. 01 Oct Scripture lesson on the “Parable of the Tares” 1st class wrote their dictation on paper.  Gave a numeration lesson to the third class. Sent five weeks pence to Col Byrde amounting to £2.18.2
04 Oct Sewing as usual.  Mistress been unwell last week. 04 Oct Mon. Admitted two new scholars: Scripture lesson the parables of the Tares & the Draw Net”.  Dictation on paper in the upper standards.
05 Oct Taught a new song to the children. 05 Oct Night school re-commenced;  nine  pupils present: Work in day school as usual.
06 Oct Sewing as usual.  School very dirty for some time past on account of small stream of water in playground. 06 Oct Wed. Gave notation lesson to the third class. Scripture lesson from Matthew XIV.
07 Oct Sewing as usual but girls rather noisy. 07 Oct Thur Col Byrde visited today and evening class: 5 pupils present at the latter.
08 Oct Nothing of importance today 08 Oct Fri. 1st and second class committed the account of the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 to memory.  Attendance rather lower owing to a ploughing match in the neighbourhood; several scholars absented themselves without leave
– notice of which sent to the parents of the children.
11 Oct No sewing today, sewing mistress away on business 11 Oct Mon Scripture lesson from St Matthew –  very fair attendance, – eight present at the night school.
12 Oct Nothing of importance today 12 Oct Tue Gave numeration lesson to 1st and 2nd classes.
13 Oct Sewing. Girls noisy. 13 Oct Wed Scripture lesson the “parable of the King who took account of his servants”: – Tables of weights and measures by the two upper classes. Home lessons tables and arithmetic.
14 Oct Girls quiet during sewing as I kept out the noisiest 14 Oct Thur. Work according to the routine of the school today.
15 Oct Examined the children. Progress in arithmetic since last Friday, not sound in the second class.  The first class did well in that subject. 15 Oct Fri Scripture lesson – the parable of the labourers in the vineyard.
18 Oct Sewing as usual . Placed children in standards I, II & IV 18 Oct Mon Very poor attendance owing to heavy rain. – no evening school owing to the non-arrival of the pupils in time to be regarded as present.
11 19 Oct Tue Attendance a little better, school very cold. Scripture lesson the first part of Matt XX. Numeration lesson to a division of second class
20 Oct Wed Scripture lesson on Matthew XX. Numeration lesson to same pupils as yesterday.
21 Oct Thur Poor attendance at the evening school
22 Oct Fri Scripture lesson from St Matthew – Gave a lesson in numeration to second class.
25 Oct Mon Very fair attendance.Scripture lesson: Christ’s entry into Jerusalem and the Scourging of the Temple. Dictation lesson to first and second classes:  Night school attended
26 Oct Tue. Col Byrde called today: writing lesson to fourth class.
27 Oct School visited by Mrs Byrde during the afternoon during the sewing exercise. Col Byrde also called me and informed me that HMI of schools Mr Bunstead proposed visiting the school on Dec 2nd to examine the children. Scripture lesson Betrayal of our Saviour


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