The Pantygoitre Property – Morgan v Nicholl

Newspaper – The Merlin and Silurian April 11th 1837



The case, as agreed upon at the Assizes last week, came on for hearing in the Nisi Prius Court of the Shire Hall Monmouth, on Wednesday last.

Mr Justice Willis took his seat at 10 o’clock.

A number of persons were present in addition to the witnesses, and the liveliest interest was manifested in the course of the proceedings.

Mr Alexander, Q.C., Mr. Serjeant Pigott, and Mr. Phipson, were counsel for the plaintiff; attorney, Mr. Tanner, of Bristol.

For the defendant,, Mr. Wheeley, Q.C., Mr Keating, Q.C., and Mr. Grey; attorney Mr. Washington, of Usk.

The following gentlemen were sworn on the SPECIAL JURY

Henry Beynon Newport gentleman.

Robert Pennington Jones, Newport, gentleman.

Daniel Davies, Llanwenarth Ultra, gentleman

James Little, Llanvair Kilgeddin gentleman.

George Reece, Langaton, merchant.

Thomas Carter, Llanvihangel, gentleman.

W. Bickford, Clifton-place, Newport, merchant

John Edward Lee, Caerleon, gentleman.

Samuel Batchelor, Newport, gentleman.

Wm. Llewellyn, Mynnydd, gentleman.

Wm. James, Tredegar, gentleman.

The pleadings were opened by Mr Phipson.

Mr. Alexander then proceeded to state the  case to the jury, and, in doing so, expressed his regret that they should be summoned from their homes again to attend an adjourned assizes, but inasmuch as the case was of considerable importance, involved property to a large amount, and required calm and serious consideration; would have been attended with much inconvenience, and he was sure it would be satisfactory to them to know that a full and fair opportunity now presented itself to do justice between the parties. 

As he had intimated the property was of considerable value, amounting in round numbers to between £60,000 and £70,000 in land and houses. The present proceedings were intended for the recovery of the land and real estate situated with Pantygoitre House in Llanvair-Kilgeddin. That might be considered a sample of the property.  Some of the property was in other parishes.  That lot was last in the possession of Miss Rachel Morgan; a maiden lady, who died intestate on the 29th September 1854, having never therefore, been married, and leaving no will. 

By the law of England, therefore, the property descended to the heir-at-law, and one question they would have to consider was, who that heir-at-law was. 

The plaintiff, Jacob Morgan, claimed to be the heir-at-law, and so did the defendant, the Rev.  Iltyd Nicholl, a gentleman of high respectability in the county, and a member of the Established Church. 

The Rev Iltyd Nicholl, was in possession, having taken it immediately on the death of the intestate.

He, (Mr. Alexander) believed that the reverend gentleman, or his father or brother on his behalf, took possession on the very night that Miss Morgan died, although she died at Clifton.  The plaintiff was a man in humble life and narrow circumstances, in fact, a labourer, while, as previously intimated, the gentleman in possession was of wealth and station. 

He, (Mr. Alexander) did mention these facts with a view to prejudice the jury for he knew at their hands the humblest defendant or plaintiff would meet with equal justice, but merely to show the difficulties which attended the plaintiff’s case. 

Documents had to be looked into requiring great labour and much research; and in that respect the defendant had a great advantage over the plaintiff.  The plaintiff claimed as the lineal descendant on one John Morgan, who was stated to be the brother of the intestate’s grandfather. 

This was denied by the defendant, by whom it was attested that the grandfather he (the learned counsel) believed, claimed as a descendant from Elizabeth, a sister of the intestate’s grandfather, and claimed therefore, through the female line. 

The principal question they would have to consider was the brotherhood of plaintiff’s great-grandfather to the intestate’s grandfather. 

Rachel Morgan, the intestate, was one of the daughters of John Morgan and Rachel Evans.  Her grandfather, William Morgan, who it was contended, was the great great-grandfather of the plaintiff, married Rachel Jones of Graigwith.  He had issue John Morgan of Graigwith, and William Morgan, of Mamhilad.  The latter never married, and died intestate; and Ann dying before the intestate, she became possessed of the property, and by her death the present proceedings had arisen:  Now for the plaintiff’s descent. 

His great great-grandfather was John Morgan; who, he said, was the son of William and Eleanor Morgan; and that that William was the son of Richard Morgan, and that it was not unimportant to find the transmission of Christian names.  They would see that the great grandfather of the present claimant was named Edmund.  There was also a son named Edmund, who was married to Catherine Rosser, and who died in 1705.  He had a son, William Morgan, who married Eleanor; and from him sprung first, William Morgan, the intestate’s grandfather; and secondly, John Morgan, the great great-grandfather of the claimant.  He married Diana.  His son was Edmond Morgan whom he would term, of Groeslanfro.  He was born about 1733.  That Edmund Morgan first married Ann White; and had a son named William Morgan, who married Ann Harrhy.  From that marriage sprung Isaac, who married Ann Williams, and from that marriage came Jacob Morgan.  Edmund Morgan secondly married a person named Mary Davies.  They had, at all events, five children, three of whom were living, and of advanced years. 

They would, no doubt, be important witnesses, because they were great uncles and great aunts  to the plaintiff by the second marriage, and could carry back their memories as to what their father had said about his relationship. 

With respect to the pedigree of the defendant, he said that going back to the same William Morgan, who was the husband of Eleanor, the father of the plaintiff’s great great-grandfather, and the intestate’s grandfather, that one of the daughters was one Elizabeth, and that she married John Morgan.  Hence sprung Eleanor Morgan, who married George Bond; and they had a daughter, Eleanor, who married the defendant’s father.  As he (the learned Counsel) had before observed the intestate died unmarried.  All the lineal descendants by her grandfather became extinct, few marriages having taken place in the family. 

In tracing out, therefore, the rights to the property, they were driven back to the other children of William and Eleanor Morgan.  That source was common to both plaintiff and defendant. 

The history of the Morgan family, beginning with the intestate’s grandfather, was this:- William Morgan, the husband of Eleanor, lived in the parish of Mamhilad.  They had two sons.  One son, John Morgan, through whom the intestate derived the property, married Rachel Jones, co-heiress of Graigwith; and the Mamhilad property, though small at first, became improved much by his marriage and other circumstances.  On the death of Rachel, he went to live with his aunts, at Graigwith, and continued with them until their death; while his brother William removed at Mamhilad with his mother, to manage her affairs.  These two maiden aunts were sisters of Rachel Jones, and aunts to John Morgan.  They died in 1789 or 1790, and John Morgan became possessed of the whole of the property, and continued to reside there.  In January, 1784, he married Rachel Evans, servant at Graigwith.  The issue of that marriage was William, Rachel, the intestate, and Ann.  John Morgan lived at Graigwith 32 or 33 years, and accumulated a considerable amount of money, while he added to the landed property.  He died in 1805, leaving behind him his wife, son, and two daughters.  They lived together some years.  The wife died in 1824, leaving William, Rachel, and Ann, in possession of the property.  William, of Mamhilad, never married, his worldly means considerable improved, and his property increased.  He died in May 1823, and his landed property went to William, brother of the intestate – his personal property to the intestate and her sister Ann.  This would account for the increase of the property.  Pantygoitre became the most important residence, and thither the bachelor brother and sisters removed.  He and Ann subsequently died.  Rachel thus became possessed of the property which was the subject of inquiry.

There were some peculiar circumstances attaching to the parish in which the property was situated.  Mamhilad was in the upper division of Abergavenny, and was a perpetual curacy, united with the perpetual curacy of Trevethin to the vicarage of Llanover, all deeds and registers being kept at Llanover, which was considered the mother church.  That would explain certain confusion in the registers, some of which were defective and very irregularly kept.  There was, consequently, some difficulty in tracing the plaintiff’s pedigree.  Still he believed he should be able to show by the registers as well as by other sources, clearly up to the birth of the great grandfather – Edmund, the husband of Diana.  An exception must, however, be made with regard to the plaintiff’s father, who disappeared in consequence of being concerned in the Chartist riots in 1841, and had not been heard of since; but it was only reasonable to suppose he was dead, as he had not been heard of for sixteen years.  Prior to the birth of Edmund, the son of Edmund and Diana, no registers were kept or they were exceedingly defective and very irregular, – indeed for Llanover no registers from 1733 to 1745 were to be found.  The plaintiff was, therefore driven to parole testimony – heresay evidence and declarations made by members of the family, as to the degree of relationship they have towards each other.

Upon that point a deal of evidence would be adduced at the outset: he would ask the attention of the jury to the name Edmund, the great-grandfather of John Morgan, and who married Diana.  His son was baptised in the name of Edmund, and Diana, by no means an uncommon name, and not lost in the family, that being the name given to the daughter of Edmund Morgan.  A witness would tell that Diana died in 1796, and it had been found that she was a dissenter, and was interred in Penygarn chapel, in the neighbourhood of Trevethin church. On a tombstone there discovered was an inscription – “Here lies the remains of Diana, wife of John Morgan, who died in 1746.”  There would also be adduced a considerable mass of evidence to show that Edmund Morgan and John Morgan, of Graigwith and William Morgan of Mamhilad were in the habit of treating each other as cousins, their relationship – they being first cousins – being only intelligible from the supposition that Edmund Morgan was brother to the father of those two.  He (the learned counsel) was told that it was the custom in and about Wales for the children of first cousins to call the fathers and mothers uncles and aunts. 

The jury, however perhaps know more upon that matter that himself.  After stating other facts he should prove with respect to the relationship, the learned counsel briefly glanced at the defendant’s case, remarking upon the facilities he possess of  searching monuments and documents, and brought forward to sustain his case.  Among other things, Mr. Alexander referred to a deed which was said to be a complete answer to the plaintiff’s case.  The defendant, might have considered it all that was necessary for him, and, therefore have not instituted a further and so strict a search as he might have done.  The possession he had obtained had given him an enormous advantage, and to say the least, considering his claim was through the female line, his taking possession was rather sharp practice.  The learned counsel, after a few other remarks, observed that he should again have an opportunity of addressing them, and therefore, would not trouble them further then.

At the suggestion of Mr. Wheeley, all the witnesses were ordered out of Court.

Mr. Serjeant Pigott then proposed to prove, but it was admitted on the other side, that Rachel Morgan the intestate, died on the 29th of September, in 1854, unmarried,  having been born in 1786; that she was the sister of Wm. Morgan, who died on the 4th June, 1843, a bachelor; that she was the daughter of John Morgan, of Graigwith who died May 19, 1805; that her mother’s name was Rachel Evans, who was married in 1784, at Bristol, and who died in March, 1824; that John Morgan, of Graigwith, and one brother Wm. Morgan, who a bachelor in August, 1825; that those two brothers were the sons of William Morgan, of Mamhilad, and Rachel Jones;  that William Morgan married one of the co-heiresses of Graigwith; that Wm. Morgan, of Mamhilad, died in December, 1772, and that he was the son of Wm. Morgan, the common ancestor, and Eleanor Morgan; that the intestate had a sister Ann, who died unmarried in 1851.

Mr Robert Williams, of Beaufort, was then sworn as interpreter, said: the following witnesses were called:-

Harry Morgan, who gave his evidence through the interpreter, said: I am 86 years of age. When I first remember I lived at Groeslanfro, in the parish of Bassalleg, in this county.  My father’s name was Edmund Morgan.  He lived, when I was born, at Groeslanfro. I am the son of the second wife of my father. His mother’s name was Mary Davies.  My grandfather’s name was John Morgan.  I cannot say what was my grandmother’s name.  I do not remember either grandfather or grandmother. My father’s mother’s Christian name was Diana. I had three sisters and two brothers. Amy and Ann Evans are the only two surviving sisters. My father’s first wife was named Ann White.  I had a half brother named William.  He was the oldest son of the family.  I cannot say whom he married, or when.  He had a son.  His son’s name was Isaac Morgan.  Isaac married.  He had seven sons.  Jacob the head plaintiff is the oldest.  My father has been dead many years.  His name was Edmund Morgan, of Groeslanfro.  My half-brother, William, is dead.  Isaac is dead.

Daniel Jones, aged 68, examined in English by Mr. Phipson:  I am a collier, at Cwmcarne.  I knew Rachel, the intestate, and her brother William.  Did not know John Morgan. Of Graigwith.  My father worked for William Morgan, of Mamhilad, for fifteen years.  That was the uncle of William and Rachel.  He was the father’s brother, William Morgan, of Mamhilad, and brother of  John Morgan, of Graigwith.  When I knew Rachel and William, Rachel the widow of John Morgan, had three children, and Rachel and Ann lived with her.  I drove asses and mules for William the uncle, three weeks or a month.  I knew William, the intestate’s brother.  I have heard him speak of his relations.  I have heard him say that Edmund Morgan, of Groeslanfro, was his father’s cousin.  I never heard him speak of any relations but the Groeslanfro family.  He called William, Edmund’s son, his cousin of Groeslanfro.  He said he knew him very well. I knew old Edmund Morgan, of Groeslanfro, and William, and William’s sister, Diana Morgan.  William had not another sister by the same father and mother.

Cross-examined by Mr. Whateley:  It is a good many years since I knew Wm. Morgan.  I was at Tonnybella, near Llangibby, when the conversation took place which I have spoken of.  I lived there seven years.  I was married about two years after I left Tonybella.  I was married in June, 1826.  I remember being examined at Bristol.  I did not say there that I was married when I left Tonybella.  Became acquainted with Wm. Morgan when I was driving mules, with hoops, out of  Graigwith Wood.  I was about 16 years of age.  He was doing nothing except walking about that I knew of.  I became a great friend of his.  Sometimes saw him two or three times a day.  He mentioned the relationship to me three or four times; may be half-a-dozen.  The conversation took place on the road between Tonnybella and Pontypool, and other places. Wm. Morgan was living at Graigwith and I at Tonnybella.  I was there the whole seven years.  I was as familiar with him or more so than my own brother.  I worked for weekly wages.  Wm. Morgan was not High Sheriff of the county to my knowledge.  I never said so at Bristol; I said his uncle was.  I used to carry coal and lime with William Morgan.  That was the William Morgan I was so intimate with while at Tonybella, the brother of Rachel.  I travelled with him to Pontypool mostly every Saturday.  He lived at Graigwith, a fine house, at the time.  He kept servants and horses, cows and sheep.  I have travelled with him more than  a hundred times while I lived at Tonnybella.  The conversation took place the first time in the wood by the house.  It was several years before I went to live at Tonybella.  I was then 14 or 15 years of age; I  am now 65.  I was first asked about the conversation about two years ago.  John Rogers, of  Abercarne,  asked me about it.  I have had nothing promised to me either by Jacob Morgan  or anybody else, if Jacob Morgan wins the trial.  I have had not note.  William Walters said something about one.  I take my oath I never saw a note for £300 in my life, nor was promised one. [William Walters was here called in.]

Mr. Wheeley: Did not Jacob Morgan put into Wm. Walter’s hands a note for £300, to be paid if he won the case?

Witness: There’s William Walters.

On the question being repeated, he replied – “I don’t know, indeed.”

Mr Whateley:  Did not Walters speak to you about a note?

Witness:  Yes, he spoke to me about a note.  But that’s between Walters and him.  I knew nothing about it.

Mr Whateley:  Did you buy a stamp for the note?

Witness:  We bought two stamps, Walter and me; but I never have had –

Mr Whateley:  What did you buy the stamps for?

Witness: I did not but them.  They were no use to me.  I paid for one and Walters for the other. He drew me to buy the stamp. I did not owe Morgan money.  Morgan owed me none.  I did not ask Walters to ask plaintiff what he was going to give me for my evidence; but he told Walters and Thomas Lewis that he would give us a prize if he gained the trial.  Walters bought the stamps at Pontypool.  I paid for one, and he paid for the other.  Rogers is a collier at Abercarne.  I saw him about August, 1855.  I have spoken to Jacob Morgan about giving evidence.  I first spoke to him on a Sunday, when I saw him in Wm. Walters’s house.  Cannot say whether it was before the stamps were bought.  I bought the stamp thinking to raise about £250 on a note written by Charles Edwards, of Pontypool.

Re-examined by Mr Phipson:  William Walters and myself went to Pontypool.  I paid for one stamp, and he paid for the other.  Never had the stamp in my hand.  Never saw it after it was written on.  I wanted money to build a house.  Charles Edwards was to write out the note.  My master, Thomas Jones of Abercarn, was to sign it.  He was to be bail for the money.  I had the promise of the money from another man.  Never had any conversation with Jacob Morgan about what was to be put on the stamp.  Do not know what was put upon it.  Thomas Rogers, as far as I know was not to have anything to do with the note.  I don’t know what was done with the stamp after Walters took it away.  I cannot write.  I can read print.  When I had the conversation with William Morgan, he was about my own age.  He was living at Graigwith, with his mother and two sisters.

Edmund Thomas, of Bassalleg, 76 years of age, was next examined by Mr Alexander, through the interpreter.  I once assisted in ploughing and sowing wheat at Graigwith.  I knew the Miss Morgan.  It was for John Morgan, their father, that I ploughed and sowed wheat.  I had my meals there.  One day at dinner he asked me how I was going home.  I said I was going by Groeslanfro.  He asked me if I would call and inquire after the health of his cousin, Edmund Morgan, who lived there.  I called at Groeslanfro, and delivered a message – that John Morgan, of Graigwith, sent to know about the health of his cousin, Edmund Morgan, Groeslanfro.  The old man Edmund said he was surprised his cousin John had not called.  I went to Groeslanfro a second time for John to ask how his cousin was.  Mr. Morgan, of Graigwith, was the father of Rachel and Ann.  He frequently spoke to them of Henry, William, Watkin, and John,  sons of Edmund Morgan.  The Misses Morgan said they were their second cousins.  I know and have seen Henry Morgan here to-day.  It is the same.

Cross-examined by Mr. Keating:  I was working for a tenant of Miss Morgan, when I assisted in the wheat sowing, and was fourteen years of age.  John Morgan gave me the message to take in his own house.  The servants and family were there.  I don’t recollect who the family were.  Both daughters were present.  Both of them said the boys were their second cousins.  Mr Morgan’s age I never heard.  I had been living half a year with the tenant when I was sent with the message from Graigwith.  And was eight or nine years of age,  if so much.  She said she was second cousin to the Morgan’s, of Groeslanfro, frequently.  Whenever the matter was mentioned, Rachel and Ann said they were so related at least twelve times.  I cannot be certain that I said before the Commissioner at Bristol, that Ann was from ten to eleven.  John Morgan told me many times he was cousin to the Morgan’s of Groeslanfro.  He said nothing more about family matters, than that they were the children of two brothers.  I was with Morgan’s tenant about two years.  I was occupied in driving horses.

Daniel Jones, of Trevethin, examined in English, by Sergeant Pigott:  I am a collier, and about eighty years of age.  Knew John Morgan, William Morgan and Edmund Morgan.  I saw them at Mr. White’s, of Pontypool.  William Morgan, of Mamhilad, said they were all cousins.  The Morgans always called each other and Mr. White, “cousin.”  John Morgan, of Graigwith married the servant maid.  I saw John Morgan after he was married, with Edmund.  John was the father of Rachel Morgan.

Cross-examined by Mr. Grey: I recollect the time of this marriage very well.  I saw John and Edmund Morgan in Mr White’s shop several times before the marriage, and after.  At Bristol, when I was examined, I did not say that I did not recollect seeing them together in the shop of Mr White, at Pontypool, after the marriage.  I used to go to Mr. White’s shop for change.  I  was 27 or 28 years of age then.  I knew the Morgans were relations 70 years ago.  I did not say at Bristol that it was in 1804 that I first knew they were cousins.  Morgan, of Mamhilad, told me several times that they were cousins.  I did not say he told me so at Bristol.  [Here the witness became too confused, that the aid of an interpreter was called in.]  I did not say before the Commissioner that Wm. Morgan told me he and Edmund were cousins.  I did not say that neither John, William nor Edmund told me they were cousins.  I was from 10 to 12 years of age when I first saw Edmund Morgan to know him.  I did not say at Bristol I was over 20.  I knew William first.  I cannot recollect how old I was when I first knew John.

Re-examined by Serjeant Pigott:  I was about eight  when I first knew William.  I said at Bristol that John, Edmund and William and Mr. White were cousins.

Thos Davis, of Pentrebach, seventy-seven years of age, examined by Mr Phipson, in English: I knew Wm. Morgan, of Mamhilad, well.  I knew his nephew, Wm. Morgan, of Pantygoitre, son of Morgan, of Graigwith.  I heard Wm. Morgan say Edmund was his cousin, at my father’s house.  Wm. Morgan came there to get some one to assist him in taking some sheep home.  Edmund Morgan went with William Morgan, to drive the sheep.  I saw Edmund Morgan at Mamhilad several times.  He lived there.  He was sometimes called Edmund Morgan, of Groeslanfro, but not in Wm. Morgans presence.

The learned Judge remarked that this witness had proved nothing, and it was therefore unnecessary to take cognizance of his evidence.

John Rosser, aged 62, examined in Welsh, by Mr. Alexander, lived in the parish of St. Brides until he was 27 years of age.  He remembered William Morgan of Graigwith, and Morgan of Mamhilad, his uncle.  Wm Morgan bought some land of Mr. Phillips, of Bristol situate in St Bride’s.  He kept the land four or five years, visiting the place about twice every summer.  He put up his horse and had refreshment at my father’s house.  Witness remembers Morgan of Graigwith talking  to his father about Morgan’s, of Groeslanfro.  His father asked Morgan, of Graigwith, about Morgan, of Groeslanfro.  I knew Morgan, of Groeslanfro, and his father Edmund Morgan of Graigwith told witness’s father that he and Morgan of Groeslanfro, were second cousins – that their fathers were first cousins.  Witness’s father told him it would not be much to render William Morgan, of Mamhilad, assistance.  Morgan, of Graigwith said – “I will remember him some time or other”.  Witness’s father made application for assistance two or three times.  Morgan said nothing more that that they were cousins.

Cross-examined by Mr. Keating:  When I first heard these conversations I was between 27 and 28.  It was Morgan his nephew who spoke of the relationship.  I knew William Morgan of Mamhilad.  He once visited my father’s house, with his uncle. I was from 18 to 19 years of age then.  The Morgans kept the land in their own hands for the first five or six years after they bought it.  William Morgan came to my father’s house both before and after he let the land.  My sisters and two brothers were present during these conversations.

Thomas Prosser, brother of the last witness, deposed to William Morgans of Graigwith, and the Morgans of Groeslanfro were distant relations.  Morgan, of Graigwith, said his father and the father of Morgan, of Groeslanfro, were first cousins.   Witness’s father and Morgan of Graigwith, ought to meet Morgan of Groeslanfro, as he was getting old.  Knew William Morgan, of Graigwith, well.  Witness’s father worked at the sea wall for him.  Witness had gone to him for the money.  William Morgan’s mother was alive at the time.

Cross-examined by Mr Grey:  I knew Morgan of Bassalleg.  My father, I believe, was acquainted with him.  Morgan, of Bassalleg, was old and poor.  I do not know whether he had any children.  I knew his son Isaac afterwards.   I was at the house of William Morgan of Bassalleg, a number of years ago.  Jacob Morgan first spoke to me about this trial when the paper was out for the next of kin.  I told Jacob Morgan of the conversation I had heard.

Re-examined by Sergeant Pigott:  Before William Morgan, of Bassalleg, got poor, he was a farmer, as far as I can understand it.

The Court here adjourned for a quarter of an hour.

On re-assembling,

Ann Rosser, sister to the two proceeding witnesses was examined by Mr Phipson.  She stated her age to be 70 years.  She had heard Morgan, of Graigwith, calling Morgan’s, of Groeslanfro, his cousin.

Cross-examined by Mr Whateley:  That was forty years ago.  I was taken to Bassalleg before the Rev. Chancellor Williams.   One of my brothers was with me.  It was six or seven months ago.  I did not see Jacob Morgan until the day before yesterday.  I never spoke him at all upon the matter.  Jacob Williams took me to Bassalleg.  Jacob Williams is uncle to Jacob Morgan.  He said he had a family at Bassalleg and that Williams was his name.

William Rosser of Bassalleg, in answer to Mr. Alexander, said:  He was 78 years of age.  He knew a Mrs. Chemeys, who lived in a lodge at Tredegar.  He married the cook at the lodge in 1801.  Remembered his father of the intestate calling at the lodge.  I did not see him.  Mrs. Chemeys came out, and asked him if it was likely he would see Mr. Morgan, of Groeslanfro.  She sent witness to him with a message.  When witness delivered the message, he said it was from Morgan of Graigwith.  Morgan, of Groeslanfro, said “My cousin.”  Witness went back alone.  Morgan said he would come in the course of the afternoon.  Did not know Rachel Morgan.  Knew all Edmund Morgan’s children by both wives.  I remember seeing Watkin, a son of Edmund Morgan, on the road.  He pointed out John Morgan, of Graigwith, as his uncle.  Second cousins in Wales generally call their respective mothers uncles and aunts. – This witness was also examined in Welsh.

Cross-examined by Mr. Keating: The first time I was spoken to on the subject was a year ago.

William Rosser, of Machan, another Welsh witness in answer to Sergeant Pigott said: I am son of Thomas Prosser of St Brides.  I knew Mr. Morgan, of Graigwith.  I remember him coming to see some land he bought within the parish.  He frequently put up at our house.  He used to converse with my father.  I heard the name of Edmund Morgan, of Groeslanfro, mentioned.  My father said “Being so bold, may I ask who are your relations in the neighbourhood?”  He said, Edmund Morgan, of Groeslanfro, was the nearest relation that he knew anything of.  He said Edmund Morgan was cousin to his father, and he should like him to come and see him.  He also said he would like to see Edmund’s son who was very poor in the world.  My father and he thought the son was at Tredegar.

Cross-examined by Mr Grey:  Edmund Morgan was seven or eight miles from my father.  It was forty-eight years ago that the conversation took place.  I was about ten years old.  I have stated the very words.  I do not know how long Edmund lived after this conversation, but it was some years.  I did not know Edmund to speak to him.  Some time after I knew his son.  At the time of the conversation, William Morgan, of Graigwith, appeared to be about twenty-two or twenty-three years of age.  My brothers and sisters were present.  It took place near the kitchen fire.  The were no servants present.

Harry Morgan, the first witness, was here recalled. The poor old fellow was very feeble.  He was the son of Edmund Morgan.  Had heard his father speak of his father.  The name of the witness’s grandfather was John Morgan.  He lived at Trevethin.  The witness continued – I knew John Morgan, of Graigwith. I saw him sometimes in Newport.  I heard my father say that my grandfather and the father of Mr. Morgan of Graigwith, were two brothers.  I have heard my father say that William Morgan and John Morgan were brothers.  I have heard my father speak of William and John Morgan twenty times.  I have many times seen my father in company with John Morgan of Graigwith.  I have heard my father speak of the children on John Morgan of Graigwith – two daughters and a son.  My father said the children of John Morgan of Graigwith were second cousins to us.

Cross-examined by Mr Whateley:  I was examined at Bristol.  I do not recollect that I said my grandfather John Morgan and William Morgan were brothers.  Perhaps I said my father said so.  My grandfather lived at Trevethin.  I did not say at Bristol my grandfather lived at Goitre.  I did not say that I did not know my brother of John Morgan.  Did not say I heard my father say that John Morgan, of Graigwith, and Wm. Morgan of Mamhilad were first cousins to each other   I have spoken to John Morgan of Graigwith, when I have seen him coming from the canal meetings.  I am sure it was not William, but John that I saw monthly for many years.  I said at Bristol that I did not know William by sight.  I did not know him.  I saw William Morgan of Mamhilad, once at the canal meeting.  I knew no relation of the name of Morris.  I know no relation of the name of White.  That was before my time.  I never heard from my father that he or his father had any aunts.  For the last few years I have been living at Corn-street Newport.  I have been in Newport Workhouse fourteen years.  I did not know Rachel, her brother William Morgan, or the sister Ann.  I did not know Rachel, wife of John Morgan, or Graigwith.

Re-examined by Mr. Phipson:  It is 40 years since I saw William Morgan of Mamhilad.

Ann Evans, a deaf old woman, 83 years’ old, was the next witness.  She was examined by the aid of an interpreter, her son, with whose voice she was familiar, putting the questions to her.  She said:  I am the daughter of Edmund Morgan of Groeslanfro.  I knew John Morgan, of Graigwith.  I heard my father say John Morgan was his cousin.  I have seen John Morgan at Groeslanfro often on business with my father about the farming.  I have heard John Morgan, of Graigwith, speak about my father many times.  I have heard him say he was a cousin and speak of him as “Cousin Edmund.  My father used to call him “Cousin John of Graigwith.”  When my father and John Morgan have been present, I have heard John call my father “Cousin Edmund.”  I have heard my father say my grandmother’s name was Diana and my grandfather’s John.  My father had a daughter by the first wife named Diana.

Cross-examined by Mr Keating:  I was never at Graigwith.  I do not remember my grandfather, John Morgan, of Graigwith, had the appearance of a farmer – not of a gentleman.  I knew a brother John, of Graigwith.  His name was William.  I saw him at Groeslanfro several times.  At Bristol, I don’t remember that I never saw William at Groeslanfro.  I did go often to Pontypool.  I did not go to see a cousin of my father’s there.  My father had not a cousin there of the name of White.  I never heard my father or John Morgan talk of any other cousins they had.  I never heard of a relation of the name of either Morris or Bond.  I never heard from my father that he had any aunt.  John Morgan whenever he came to Groeslanfro asked for “My cousin Edmund.”

Anne Evans, half-sister to the last witness, and 81 years of age deposed:  My maiden name was Morgan.  My first husband’s name was Lewis Evans; my second, Henry Richards.  I am daughter of Edmund Morgan by his second wife.  My father had a son by her named William, and a daughter.  He had five children by his second wife – Watkin, Henry, John, Amy and myself.  William lived at Goitre.  I don’t know a place called Mamhilad.  My father told me William Morgan, when he came to Groeslanfro, was his cousin.  He said John and William Morgan were brothers.  When William came to Groeslanfro, he said my father was his cousin.  Did not know Miss Rachel Morgan of Pantygoitre; My father said she was the daughter of John Morgan.  My father said John Morgan had another daughter, Ann.  I have heard my father speak of my grandfather.  His Christian name was John.  I heard my father say my grandmother’s name was Diana.  I have heard John Morgan ask my father several times to go and see her on a Sunday.  I never went to Graigwith or Mamhilad myself.  My father sometimes left home on  a Sunday.  He said he was going to William Morgan, at the Goitre, who he said was his cousin.

Cross-examined by Mr. Grey:  Was never at Graigwith.  I have seen William, the brother of John but not William, the son of John.  Was never at Mamhilad.  Never heard from my father of my other relations, of an aunt named Morris and named White, a cousin named White, or a relation of the name of Bond.  I have heard my father speak of the father of John and William Morgan.  I was examined at Bristol.

John Rowlands, aged 78:  I am son of Henry Rowlands, of Bassalleg.  When I was fourteen years’ old, I remember Edmund Morgan, of Groeslanfro, talking with my mother on the fold, at Groeslanfro.  My mother was taking some shoes home belonging to the people at Groeslanfro.  I was with her.  Edmund Morgan said he would be a rich man if he lived after Mr. Morgan, of Graigwith.  He said they were not certain – the children of two brothers.  This was sixty years ago.

Cross-examined:  Edmund Morgan lived fifteen years after.  Jacob Williams sent for me about ten weeks ago and to him I gave the last account.  He sent for me.  Jacob Williams is son of Edward Willis of Pie Corner.  I suppose he is a relation to the Morgan; I can’ say what.  I never spoke to Jacob Morgan about it.

George Llewellin:  I know Jacob Morgan.  I knew his father Isaac.  I am 58 years old.  I and Isaac were brought up together.  My father and Isaac Morgan’s father, William, were near neighbours.  I lived between two or three years with William Morgan, plaintiff’s grandfather, when I heard speak of William Morgan of Graigwith, as his cousin.  I heard William Morgan, of Graigwith, say to Isaac Morgan that he should be his heir if he survived him, said that he must keep up his books.  William Morgan, plaintiff’s grandfather, went to Graigwith and stayed there a couple of days and a night.  He said he was going to visit his cousin.  When he came back he said himself and cousin enjoyed themselves very much, as the old lady had been very kind to them.  That was about 37 year since.  Besides Wm. Morgan I saw no other of the Graigwith family.

Cross-examined:  The plaintiff’s grandfather was getting old, but he was not very poor.  Isaac was about eighteen years of age.  He was at school at and after that age, a quarter now and then.  By the old lady, I understood William’s mother.  It was about Christmas that he went to Graigwith.

Walter Walters, 77 years of age, cowkeeper on the Tredegar estate knew William Morgan of Bassalleg.  Knew Jacob Morgan, William’s grandson.  William Morgan’s father was Edmund Morgan of Groeslanfro, who he knew well.  Had  conversed with William about his relation. William Morgan and his wife lived in his house, and were allowed 8s a week by Sir Charles Morgan.  William Morgan and John Morgan, of Graigwith, was the second cousin.

Cross-examined:  The paper I produced was written by my son that I might not forget the term of relationship.  He wrote it about a fortnight ago.  Jacob Williams or Jacob Morgan was not there.  William Morgan told me the relationship before he was buried.  Jacob Williams asked me about this two months ago.  Nothing but that one work was written down.  Jacob Williams nor anyone else never took down anything I had to say.

Re-examined:  I asked my son to write it down because was very particular as to my oath.  Nobody knew anything of the paper but myself and son.  I did not see Jacob Williams until I was subpoenaed, The Rev. Chancellor Williams called upon me.  I told him all except about the paper I have said to-day.  I did not use the word second cousin to the Chancellor.  It is since that I have remembered the relationship.  I did not see Jacob Williams write down anything.  I said the Chancellor did, and no one else.

Thomas Thomas said:  I am a mason and builder at Newport.  Plaintiff’s father worked for me.  He told me he was the heir to Pantygoitre property – that the old family came from Mamhilad – that he was brought up in the parish of Bassalleg.  The Miss Morgans were alive.  He said he wished to go and see them but thought as he was so poor, they might be shy towards him.

Emma Thomas, wife of Thomas Thomas, sister of the last witness, remembered Isaac coming to her house at Bristol to hide after the riots at Newport in 1841, he said he had a rich aunt at Pontypool, and he wished he had some of her money, and he would leave the country.

P.C.Edward Killern produced a copy from a tombstone at Penygarn, near Pontypool, which ran thus – “Here lies the body of Diana the wife of John Morgan, who died 17th May 1873, aged 47.”

Harry Morgan was here re-called, and stated that he had heard his father say that his mother was buried at Penygarn chapel, Trevethin, and that her name was Diana.

The Rev. John Evans, Vicar of Llanover, gave some evidence to the deficiencies in the registers of the parishes of Llanover, Trevethin, and Mamhilad; and Frederick Phillips, grocer of Pontypool as to a tablet in Llangibby church, and the register; but it was ultimately arranged that both should be re-examined next morning.

Mr Alexander then handed an old Welsh Bible to the learned Judge, obtained from a man named Pritchard, who said he was a connection of the Morgan family; and put in a deed dated October 1st 1697, between Edmund Morgan, of Mamhilad, and Catherine his wife, and Wm Morgan, of Mamhilad, their son and heir apparent, of the first part, and Florentina, widow of Walter Morgan, Eleanor, the daughter of Theophilus Reynolds, and John Morgan of the parish of Llangibby, of the second part.  The deed conveyed certain property to trustees, in trust for the heirs of Edmund and Catherine; but bore no reference to the matter in dispute.

Mr Herapath of Bristol – I have occasionally examined the signatures to ascertain whether they are written by the same person.  I have examined the signatures in the Bible.  In the signature of William there is a curious circumflex “W” they appear to be written by the same person. (The document was here handed to witness.)  I believe the signature in the Bible, and to the deed, are by the same person.  There are several signatures of Edmund in the Bible.

His Lordship suggested that it would be preferable to examine the signatures by daylight, and the Court accordingly adjourned at eight o’clock.


Mr Justice Willes took his seat at nine o’clock.

Edward Tiller, clerk to Mr Tanner, produced the registers of Llanover, and a number of the surrounding parishes, and spoke of the deficiencies which existed.

Joseph Hackwork, deputy registrar of Llandaff, stated he had instituted a search among the diocesan registries.  Those relating to Llanover, Trevethin, Mamhilad and other parishes were deficient.

Mr. Herapath was again called.  He stated that,  after examining the Bible and the deed produced, he believed the signatures of Edmund Morgan in each to be by the same person.  He believed the writing to have been exposed to the atmosphere a great many years.

The Bible was then put in merely, however, to show that signature in it “John Morgan” authenticated the fact of there having been a John Morgan.

Two letters from Mr. Waddington to Mr. Tanner were also put in.  One dated the 16th of August 1855, stated that the defendant had no documentary evidence, that the intestate’s grandfather had no brother: the other dated February 16th 1856 that the defendant’s father had discovered a written document which had been mislaid, and which contained the previous information.

This closed the plaintiff’s case, and Mr Whately addressed the jury for the defendant, detailed the evidence it was his intention to call, and expressed what he considered many inaccuracies in the examination of the witnesses just conducted.  He then called

Iltyd Nicholl, Esq, the defendant’s father, who deposed that he had known the late Miss Rachel Morgan about fifty years. 

He occasionally visited her, her brother, another uncle William at Mamhilad.  He heard of her death, and immediately took possession of her deed and documents which he handed to Mr. Waddington her solicitor.  Among her papers he found a prayer book, which she had shown him a few days after her uncle’s death.  It contains a good many family entries.  Found a draft of a deed of gift, and subsequently the original was found in his presence by Mr. Waddington

Witness married Eleanor Bond in 1807, She died in 1849.  She was the only surviving child of George Bond, who married Eleanor Bond, whose maiden name was Morris.  John Morris of the Pant Llantillio Crossenny, and Elizabeth Morgan daughter of Wm. Morgan of Mamhilad, witness heard from his mother-in-law, were her father and mother.  She had two sisters, Mary married to White and Ann married to Jones.  She had a brother, William Morgan of Mamhilad.  He was father of William Morgan, of Mamhilad, whom witness knew, and John.  Mary White had a son.  Witness knew him.  He lived at Pontypool.  Ann Jones had no children.  Never heard until this dispute that Elizabeth had a brother John.  Had frequent conversations with Rachel Morgan upon the subject of her family.  Upon one occasion, a few days after her uncle’s death, she asked witness to insert the death, so as to make the pedigree complete.  That took place at Mamhilad.  Witness attended the funeral of Wm. Morgan of Mamhilad along with Wm. Morgan of Graigwith, the brother of Rachel.  Mr John White of Pontypool died a few months before.  Witness attended his funeral.  Wm. Morgan of Graigwith was there.  They were the only relatives, and the only two who had hat-bands.  There were no Morgans of Groeslanfro there.  The book was in the same state as when the witness first knew it, except as to the binding. Witness was in the habit of going with his wife and children to Mr. White’s of Pontypool, once a year at least, to meet Wm. Morgan and his sisters, Ann and Rachel, as a family party.  Had talked to White several times upon those occasions about the family. 

Witness’s family frequently visited Rachel Morgan and William Morgan.  Witness produced the marriage settlement of his wife’s grandmother, Elizabeth Morgan, and John Morgan of Llantillio Crossenny.  It was dated December 1780. 

Also produced the marriage settlement of witness’s mother-in-law, dated February 1771, between Eleanor Morgan and John Bond.  Witness’s mother married a second time one Rogers.

Cross-examined:  I never heard of a family of Lewis’s being connected with the Morgans.

Alexander Waddington, defendant’s solicitor examined: 

I was solicitor to Miss Rachel Morgan for those years before her death.  Three or four days after, I went to Pantygoitre House.  I was employed by next of kin as regarded the personal property, as well as by Mr Nicholl

Witness produce certificates of the baptism and burial of William Morgan of  Berthlandu, in the parish of Llanhennock, in 1704.  Berthlanau is a farm belonging to Mr Nicholl, to whom it descended from Florence Morgan

Witness also produced the marriage settlement of William Morgan the younger, of Mamhilad, and Rachel Jones, which document spoke of William as son and heir apparent of Edmund and Catherine Morgan; and a certificate of the burial of Wm Morgan in 1772, a copy of probate of the will of Florence Morgan dated March 1712, appointing Wm. Morgan , of Mamhilad, her executor, and making bequests to the Morgans of Graigwith and Mamhilad; a copy of the register of baptism in 1732 of John, son on Elizabeth and John Morris; of a second son, Morris; two daughter Eleanor and Elizabeth; the certificate of the burial of Elinor daughter of George and Elinor Bond: the certificates of the two marriages of Mr Nicholl’s mother-in-law, and several other documents.

Witness continued:  I have carefully searched all the documents in the Nicholls’s possession; I find no trace whatever of a John.

Cross-examined:  I began to search for and classify the deed on the 12th of October.  The original deed of gift was found on the 21st February 1856 – the draft a fortnight later.

Francis McDonnell, Esq:  I was articled to Mr Prothero, solicitor to the Morgan family.  Afterwards I went into partnership with him, and we continued solicitors to the Morgans till 1836.  I was also solicitor to the Nicholl family.  I know the intestate, Rachel Morgan, and the two Williams.  Rachel, Ann and William spoke of Mrs Nicholl as their aunt, Mrs. Nicholl, call Mr. Morgan of Mamhilad, her uncle.  The Morgans and Nicholls were upon terms of the greatest intimacy.  The Morgans called Mr. White of Pontypool, cousin.  I have met William Morgan of Graigwith, at Mr. White’s several times.  I never heard of such people as the Morgans of Groeslanfro.  The elder William Morgan was a share-holder in the canal.  I was solicitor to the Company.

Margaret Morgan, of Mamhilad, 67 years of age, deposed:  My father, William Morgan, who lived at Mamhilad all his lifetime, died seventeen years ago, aged 86.  I do not recollect my grandfather.  I remember Wm. Morgan the uncle of the late William Morgan, of Mamhilad House.  I and my father have been to Mamhilad House.  I never heard anything about the relationship from William Morgan, of Mamhilad House, except that he considered my father was descended from one of the family.  William Morgan, of Mamhilad House, frequently said the Nicholls were his nearest relations; and I have heard them call John White “cousin.”  I have seen Mrs Nicholl and Mrs. Nicholl, Mrs Rogers, at Mamhilad House visiting several times.

Captain Charles Bird aged 69 years had all his life been on terms of intimacy with the Morgans and Nicholl families.  Knew Miss Rachel Morgan.  She called Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Nicholl “aunt”.  He heard Rachel say that Nicholls were her nearest relations.  Never heard the Morgans, of Groeslanfro, mentioned.

George Whitlock-Nicholl Esq., barrister, brother to the defendant said:  My mother died in September 1860.  Before my mother died, I asked her to endeavour to find out her relationship to the Morgans.  My mother said that her grandmother had one brother and two sister.  I remember making the same inquiry of the said Mrs Nicholl.  She said her grandfather had three sisters and no brother.  Miss Rachel Morgan told me it was her intention to provide for her poor relations on the mother’s side.  She specified seven or eight of the name of Jones.  She made no mention of any Morgans of Groeslanfro.

Eleanor  Nicholl, sister to the defendant, said:  I knew the intestate Rachel Morgan.  Before her brother died, she said my mother was her nearest relation on the father’s side.  She said she must take care and make a will; otherwise all the property would go to my brother Iltyd.

Cross-examined:  The first conversation might have been three or four years before the death of her brother.  I do not know whether she had any property in her own right then.  The second conversation took place in 1851.  She was in good health and was alive and well.

Thomas Jenkins, tenant of the Mamhilad estate.  I and my uncle have been tenants for thirty-nine years.  I remember my uncle applying to Mr. William Morgan, above 25 years ago, concerning some repairs, and Mr. Morgan coming to our house.  He said he was laying out a deal of money, that he should not be here long, but that it would go to his nephew, William Morgan.  He heard Rachel say she had no nearer relation to her property than Mr. Nicholl.

Sarah Parcell:  Was formerly servant to Mr. White, of Pontypool.  Mrs. White died in November, 1830.  Mr. Morgan attended the funeral.  Mr. and Mrs. Nicholl were invited.  After dinner, Mr. Morgan said he and Mr. Nicholl came to the funeral out of respect to their late cousin, Mrs. White.

John Eastub, carpenter, of Llanvair, had worked for the brother of Rachel Morgan 13 years.  Mr. Iltyd Nicholl was there frequently.  Three days before Mr Morgan died, in consequence of my asking him if he had settled his affairs, he said Mr. Nicholl was the nearest heir.

Cross-examined:  For the last eighteen months I regularly attended upon Mr Morgan.  No one was present when I spoke to him besides ourselves.

Wm. Hunter Little Esq., Llanvair often visited Rachel Morgan.  Upon one occasion she told him Nicholls, of Usk, were her nearest relations.

Cross-examined:   The conversation took place prior to the year 1840.

Henry Phillips, oil and iron merchant, Newport:  Seven years ago I was manager of the Monmouth and Glamorgan Bank, Usk.  Miss Rachel Morgan had an account at the Bank.  I kept her accounts till her death.  I frequently went to Pantygoitre house.  When speaking to me — the settlement of her affairs, four or five years ago, she said defendant’s mother was her cousin.

George Harrison, chief clerk to the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal company, had searched the books from the incorporation of the company in 1792 to 1805.  The name of John Morgan did not once appear amongst the minutes of the committee meetings.

By the Jury: I have not searched the shareholders’ list

By the Judge: The committee meet about once a week; the shareholders twice a year.

William Walters, tailor, at Abercarne, was the next witness.  A note was handed to him.  He said:  This note was signed by Jacob Morgan and left with me.

By the Judge:  It was left with me, so that Jacob Morgan might clear himself, and say he had received nothing for the trial.

Cross-examined – I wrote all the note but the signature.  I wrote the note at the request of Daniel Jones to get the stamps.  He paid 9s for them, 4s for one, and 5s for the other.  The notes were written at my public-house.  Jacob Morgan came there without my sending for him.  I went with Daniel Jones to Bassalleg.   He was unwilling to give evidence unless he had a promissory note for £300.  I kept the note for £500 for myself.  The notes were written in August 1836.  Thomas Rogers signed as witness.  Jacob Morgan was anxious there should be a witness.  I told Mr. Waddington of both notes in November.  I did not show them to him.  I will swear I told Mr. Waddington I had a note for £500.  My landlady Mrs Williams, grandmother of the Plaintiff, detrained (?) upon me for six months.  He also proceeded against me in county court to recover possession of the premises.  When I told Mr. Waddington of the notes, he did not ask to see them.

Re-examined:  I was to have £500 for going about to get evidence.  He said he had given his cousin, D.E.Williams, of Brynmawr, a note for £500, and he same by me.

The defendant, the Rev. Iltyd Nicholl, was next sworn:  I made the memorandum produced by Mr Waddington shortly after the copy of the deed of gift was found.  I cannot say another memorandum was attached to it.  The last memorandum was made after the draft of the deed of gift.

The witness Walters was re-called at the request of the jury, and stated that the Williams who received the note was the interpreter of the previous day.

Mr. William Jones, one of the jury, said that they did not wish it to be inferred that Mr. Williams interpreted unfairly.

At the suggestion of the Judge, Jacob Williams was called.  He deposed having examined the notes, and said:  I know nothing of the notes.  I believe the signatures are those of Jacob Morgan.  I never asked him about them.  I never knew anything of them until yesterday.  I have been about trying to get up evidence.  I have spoken to Walters about the notes, but not since last April twelve months.  I have spoken to him twice, something simple.  The last time was 16 months ago.  I have not spoken to him in the presence of Jacob Morgan during the last 16 months.  I did 16 months ago.  I know Daniel Jones..  I never heard from anybody that he objected to give evidence.  I spoke to him but was not the first.  I know Thomas Rogers. He is a stranger to me.  I don’t know whether his writing is appended to the note.  I do not know of any note having been given to Mr. Williams.

Re-examined : He is my sister’s son.

Mr Wheeley then summed up the evidence.  He commented indignantly upon the conspiracy which had evidently been got up upon the part of the plaintiff, and which must cast a cloud of  the deepest die over the whole of his case.  The fact of Mr Iltyd Nicholl’s early possession had been made the subject of much cross-examination; but the gentleman had acted he contested, in a very proper manner, and upon a bona fide belief of right.  The defendant said his solicitor had not taken any undue advantage.   The plaintiff’s attorney had been given every facility with regard to the documents.  Copies had been furnished of any required; while the documents themselves had been subjected to every kind of examination; and there was no doubt that they were all genuine. 

Was it at all probable – was it possible – that so many documents could have been produced without the name of John, had there been such a person in the family?  As to the Bible, he was at a loss to know what it proved.  The evidence brought forward to support the plaintiff’s course was full of inconsistencies and improbabilities.  Most of it was scarcely worthy of notice. 

The witnesses, who had been called to speak to the relationship of the plaintiff, told the tale they had been taught up to a certain point, but could go no further.   They knew of the Morgans, of Groeslanfro, but of the relation at Pontypool they could tell nothing at all, although on intimate and visiting terms with the Morgans, of Pantygoitre; while on the other side there were the distinct statements of Mr McDonnell and other friends of the family – of Mr. Nicholl and others of the family – that no connection whatever existed between them. 

It could not be supposed for a moment that they were of kin.  Again could they believe that the poor old workhouse man, had he been really related to the rich owners of Pantygoitre, would not have applied to them in his distress; or that the latter would not have spontaneously assisted him?  Referring again to the documents, the learned Counsel preceded to contend that nothing could be more conclusive of the utter falsity of the plaintiffs claim.  In 1741 William Morgan made a will, mentioning his daughters and son William; but no mention was made either in that or any other of John Morgan, or a son of John Morgan in the face of such evidence as they had heard for the plaintiff, and the ample contradiction given it by the defendants witnesses, he trusted they would give a verdict for his client.

Mr. Alexander replied at some length upon the whole case; and his Lordship minutely reviewed the evidence adduced, carefully directing the jury’s attention to the legal bearing of the several parts of the witnesses testimony. –

The jury, after being locked up for about an hour, returned a VERDICT FOR THE DEFENDANT.

Usk Observer


January 2nd 1864
At Hanover Chapel, Llanover, December 17th, by license, by the Rev. Robt. Thomas, Independent Minister, Mr John Gittings, of Goytrey, miller to Mary, youngest daughter of Thomas James, Esq., of Ty Ivor, Goytrey.

January 16th – Pugilism at Goytrey
Thomas Jenkins, John Griffiths, John Allgood and Henry Painter, were charged with having committed a breach of the peace by fighting.
It appeared from the evidence of William Rosser, that the two first named defendants began fighting on the night after Christmas Day at Mrs Rosser’s house, at the Goytrey, (Pengroesoped Tavern) and the other two acted as their seconds, after which they also had a “set to.”
Mr Ralph said that these offences depended a good deal upon the character of the house in which they took place; if the occupier would not sell too much drink at once, disturbances would be less frequent occurrence.
Defendants were convicted in the penalty of 9s each.

February 6th – Mr John Gwynne Herbert Owen
In the matter of the late Mr Owen, late of Cardiff (he lived at Oak Cottage Goytrey), solicitor deceased, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to pay the same to Mr Andrew Hair, Pontypool, the administrator, forthwith.

February 20th – Putting his foot in a trap
Emanuel Powell was charged with having stolen a rabbit vermin trap, the property of Mr Henry Charles Byrde, of Goytre House. (Mr Byrde left the bench during the hearing of the case.)
Edwin Edwards proved to seeing the prisoner take the property about two o’clock on Sunday last and told him not to do so, as one had already been lost and some enquiry would be made respecting them.
Prisoner, having pleaded guilty to the charge, he was committed to twenty one days with hard labour.

May 9th – Chapel-Ed
The annual tea meeting was held on Good Friday, at which from 700 to 800 people sat down partake of the cheering repast.
Some of the younger visitors, in search of a little recreation, were prevented from entering a field adjoining the chapel by an elderly “brother” who was digging in the field in question instead of devoting the day to the services of the good cause.
He stated his objection to his field being trespassed upon in good characteristic terms, “her cost me £2 and her’s good ground.”

May 28th – Appeal Against Rates
Mr Lloyd made an application on behalf of Thomas Thomas, farmer, Goytrey for a reduction in the amount of assessment of his land and premises, which he showed had been illegally made.
The applicant, (Thomas) was ordered to give the necessary notice in writing, which he had neglected to do so previously.

August 27th – Damaging an Orchard
Lucy Mercy, Martha Mercy and Robert Saunders were charged with committing damaged to an orchard and destroying apples belonging to James Morgan, at Penpet-yr-hewl.
This case had been adjourned prom a previous meeting for the attendance of a witness in favour of the defendant Robert Saunders, the latter whom did not appear.
John Perrott, the witness referred to said: I am a gamekeeper at Monkswood; on the 20th of July I was on my rounds and saw Saunders about 9 o’clock in the evening in the road below the Oak; had not seen him before on that day; he was standing at the cross road; I heard no quarrelling, but was told there was some; before I saw Saunders I saw Dixon near James Morgan’s house.
Lucy Mercy and Robert Saunders were found guilty of the charge and were ordered to pay 10s each fine and costs, or in default of payment ten days imprisonment.

October 22nd
Henry Mathews, Goytre, shopkeeper, v John Lewis, Goytrey, labourer.
Claim 10s 11d for goods.

October 22nd
William Cocker, Goytrey, miller v Herbert Edwards, Goytrey shoemaker.
Claim 5s 3d for goods.
To be paid in a week and one witness allowed.

November 26th  – Assault at the Goytrey.
An old man named John Edwards charged James Morgan, of Goytrey, with having assaulted him on the 29th ult.
Mr Alexander Edwards appeared for the defendant.
Complainant disposed that on going into the Oak Inn to obtain a pint of beer he saw defendant and another person named Thomas Watts there; some altercation arose as to his having said something derogatory to the character of defendant, when the latter seized the poker, attempted to put it down his throat and eventually struck him.
He (complainant) called “witness” in order to attract the attention of Watts.
The latter, on being called, said that he did not hear anything pass between the parties; did not see defendant have the poker; did not see him strike complainant; heard the latter call “witness,” but did not go to him; and did not hear ant altercation.
The bench seemed to give little weight to the testimony of the last witness and convicted defendant in the penalty of 20s, including costs.

December 17th
Peter Marfell, Clytha v William Proger, carpenter, Goytrey;
Claim £4 3s – to pay in two instalments.

December 24th – Going off the Path
George Powell was charged by Thomas Thomas, Goytrey with having committed a trespass by walking across a field where there was no path.
The case imposed of by defendant paying 5s expenses.

March 11th 1865 – To the Editor –
Sir, about a year ago a grocer’s shop was opened at the Goytrey, under the title of “the Co-operative Industrial Stores,” Colonel Byrde was mainly instrumental in its establishment, intending it as a benefit for the parish.
He always took a great interest in its welfare and management. However now he has left the this country for some few months and during his absence he has committed the government to the hands of others, upon whom his mantle has not descended, for there is now a great split in the camp and there is no one to stand in the breach.
Under the government a new order of things was thought necessary, so the secretary was superseded and the manager, a man universally respected, would have been summarily discharged from house and home, had he not the law on his side; and I believe it is a fact that one of this company, well known for his childlike simplicity, even tried to get a summons on the manager for resisting their aggressive measures.
Now, from all appearance, the dissolution of these stores is near at hand. Several shareholders, disgusted with the state of affairs, have withdrawn, others are about doing so, and for the short time that it has to exist the shop will certainly be known as the business of a private firm, with one of its members as manager, a man who has gained large experience in the wholesale and retail grocery trade by superintending road making.
I would add that I expect this firm will shortly have to offer to the highest bidder all their refuse stock and fixtures at a considerably reduced price, which any enterprising tradesman will find a bargain.
I am, Sir, yours respectfully,

May 20th
John Lewis was charged with having committed a trespass on property situate at Goytrey, belonging to John Morgan.
It appeared that complainant was the owner of an arable field which was occupied by Charles Lewis, father of defendant, who had recently given up possession of it in a regular manner and even so far signified his approval of doing so as to end complainant is plough to plough it.
Defendant’s mother had, however, already been convicted in this court for having assaulted complainant’s man when he went to plough, or to do some other work in the field and in order to prevent the progress of such work defendant had locked the gate of the field, which formed the present offence.
He was convicted in the penalty of £5.

May 11th – Paternal Obligations
James Wait, Labour, Nantyderry, appeared at the instance of Amy Reece for the non-payment of £1 12s 4d due to her as bastardy arrears.
It appeared that the child was six years of age and was said to be residing with an uncle at Portsmouth.
Defendant said he had not seen it for some time and did not know whether it was living or not.
Complainant, who holds some situation in a school at Caerleon, was told that she could only recover for 13 weeks’ pay, which at 1s 6d amounted to 20s 6d and which defendant was ordered to pay with 9s expenses
He paid part of the amount and arranged about paying the other.

May 20th  – Highway Rates.
An order was made on Thomas Roberts, Goytrey, to pay a highway rate on or before this day week.
Defendant, who was represented by his wife, said they did not occupy the land upon which the rate was charged, now, but as it appeared they occupied it on the 22nd of June, when the rate was made, defendant was ordered to pay.

June 25th  – Larceny
Thomas Evans, Goytrey, was charged with stealing a flannel waistcoat and a tape measure, the property of Thomas Richards, of the Castle Stores, Abergavenny; and further charged with stealing a waistcoat, the property of George Meredith.
Prisoner pleaded guilty to both charges and he was sentenced to three months imprisonment for the two offences.

August 12th  – Assaulting a Landlord.
Mathias Dixon was charged by Thomas Roberts with having assaulted him.
Complainant said that defendant came into his house – an inn, situate at, or in the vicinity of Goytre on the 19th ult., and having dragged him by the collar from a settle on which he was asleep, got him behind the settle and struck him so violently that blood “flew out of his ear.”
Defendant pleaded that he struck complainant because he was trying to induce two lads to fight.
Joseph Hopkins corroborated complainant’s statement.
Joseph Thomas on being called for the defendant said that complainant began the row by wishing to make two lads fight and that defendant only tried to drag defendant out of the house.
On his saying that he had some marks on his head, defendant was told by the bench that it was very likely people who interfered as he appeared to have done would be marked; and however wrong the complainant might have been it was not for him to interfere.
Defendant was convicted in the penalty of 20s, including costs, or seven days in default.
(Thomas Roberts was the landlord of the Royal Oak inn)

August 12th  – Robbery from the person
George Clements, a young farm labourer, was charged, on remand from Tuesday last, with having stolen seven sovereigns from the person of George Roberts.
Prosecutor said: I am a hay dealer, and reside in Monkswood; on the evening of Saturday last, as I was returning home about 9 o’clock I fell asleep on the roadside near Pant-y-pudding farm, at which time I had seven sovereigns in my possession. I had been asleep about two hours; when I awoke I missed all my money; I was not drunk; I did not see him previously.
Ann Jenkins, wife of Isaac Jenkins, Pant-y-pudding farm, deposed: prisoner was in service of my husband; between the hours of nine and ten o’clock on the night of Saturday last he asked me for some money; I refused him; he asked if I would let him have 6d; I told him I could not let him have any money; he said he wanted to pay his washerwoman; I saw him go towards the Little Mill and did not see him again until Sunday morning.
Prosecutor, on being recalled said that he fell asleep between Pant-y-pudding and the Little Mill, which were about half a mile apart.
Job Thomas, fellow servant with prisoner at the farm in question stated; Prisoner had been in his situation about a fortnight; I went to a public house at the Little Mill (the Half-way House) kept by Mr Jenkins, at about 10 o’clock on the night of Saturday last; I saw prosecutor on the road asleep, between Pant-y-pudding farm and the Little Mill; I left prisoner at the farm and in about an hour afterwards he followed me to the Little Mill; when he came into the house he called for a half a quarter of tobacco for which he tendered a sovereign in payment; he also paid for four jugs of beer; I saw the bag produced in prisoner’s possession; it contained gold and silver
Elizabeth Jenkins, of the Little Mill, deposed to receiving a sovereign from the prisoner in payment for half a quarter of tobacco on Saturday night; he also paid for four jugs of beer; she saw the bag produced in his possession, with money in it.
John Walkey, a lad twelve years of age said: I was in a field on Pant-y-pudding farm with prisoner, on Monday last; Superintendent Llewellin came up to the gate and asked for Job Thomas; when he had gone the prisoner went to a certain part of the hedge in the field; on the following morning I pointed out to Sergeant Morgan the spot in the hedge to which I had seen the prisoner go; after I had done so I saw sergeant Morgan find a bag containing money.
Prisoner was committed for trial at the next assizes.

August 26th  – Breaking a Door
Roger Morgan was charged by Thomas Roberts with having committed trespass on his property at the Goytrey.
When the parties were first called it was stated that defendant could not attend in consequence of illness.
Complainant denied that defendant was ill as he had seen him the day previously.
On the case being gone into defendant was ordered to pay 5s damage he had committed by breaking complainants door, together with expenses.

October 7th  – Affiliation
William Bevan, labourer, Goytre, was summoned by Mary Ann Watkins, Abergavenny, to shew cause why he should not contribute towards the support of her illegitimate child.
Complainant deposed: The intimacy took place when I lived at Llanellen and the defendant at the Hardwick; he promised to marry me and has given me money towards the support of the child.
By defendant: I have never been “going” with anyone else but you.
Defendant: I told her that I would never marry her.
By the Bench: I do not deny my intimacy with her.
Complainant, in answer to the Bench said she had had two children previously to the one she now sought to affiliate on defendant.
Defendant to complainant: I heard you have had five.
The Bench to defendant: The magistrates have decided that you are the father of this child. Complainant has had a child before and that fact operates upon our minds in deciding what amount you shall pay.
You will have to pay 1s 6d from the date of application.
Defendant: It is too much!
Complainant: He gets 9s a week.
(William Bevan lived at Coalbrook Cottage)

December 2nd  – Judgement Summons:

Henry Greatwood, surgeon, Usk v James Morgan, woodman Goytrey.
Defendant appeared and was examined as to his means.
Ordered to pay 5s a month, to commence in two months.

December 9th
Abraham Williams, labourer, Goytre, and wife v John Jenkins, haulier, Goytre.
Mr Partridge for defendant.
This action was brought under the will of William Jenkins, of which the plaintiffs were executor and executrix, for the recovery of £5 10s for rent of a cottage and £6 for the goods of the testator.
It appeared the testator lived with the defendant, who was a distant relative to him, up to the time of his death in July last, in a cottage held by him (the testator) under a lease for life from the Earl of Abergavenny, the conditions of his residence there being that defendant should pay him £3 a year rent.
To prove their claim, plaintiffs produced the probate of the will and called the person who had been in the habit of keeping the testator’s accounts.
Defendant stated his willingness to give up the goods, but alleged, in which he was corroborated by his wife, that the rent had been paid to the testator, in small sums as he wanted it, up to within a few weeks of his death; he further pleaded a set-off, in which was one item for “laying out” William Jenkins.
His Honour ultimately gave judgement for 4s for rent and the goods to be delivered up or £6 paid in a week, with costs of £7 and three witnesses, remarking that he had a strong suspicion that the rent claimed was due, although he could not give judgement for it.

9th December
John Waters, besom maker, Goytre v William Phillips, wood dealer, Goytre; and Phillips v Waters.
Mr Partridge appeared for Waters and Mr Granville Waddington for Phillips.
This was a cross action, in which Waters claimed 18s 4d as a balance of account overpaid, and Phillips sought to recover £3 9s 4d for besom sticks and growing birch, but the main question at issue was as to the payment by Waters of a sum of £2, which five witnesses on his behalf swore to having seen paid, whilst Phillips denied receiving it.
After much hard swearing, His Honour gave judgement for 17s 8d with costs of six witnesses in Waters claim and for the defendant in Phillips’ claim.

November 7th 1866

Goytrey – Gun Stealing.
Joseph White, indicted with having stolen a gun, the property of Isaac Wilks at Goytrey, in November 1866.
Mr Hamden prosecuted. Prisoner said a man named Prosser brought him the gun and told him he got it from the blacksmith’s shop and asked him to take it to Ross and try to exchange it.
The gun was found in White’s possession and was identified as the property of prosecutor.
The jury found him not guilty.
Whilst the constable was investigation the former charge he found a table-cloth in prisoner’s house, which he suspected to have belonged to Thomas Thomas (Great House Farm) Mamhilad, who had one similar to it on the 18th of November.
Prosecutors wife could only identify it by its being marked with jam stains. The prisoner said it was his cloth and that before the magistrates the witness had sworn to another cloth, which they found in his house.
The prisoner was acquitted on this charge likewise.

November 10th  – Drunk, Riotous and Incapable.
Thomas Price, Goytrey, was charged with having been drunk and riotous on the night of Tuesday last.
This appeared to have been a bad case.
Defendant was convicted in the penalty of 5s and 12s costs.

November 17th  – Goytre Monmouthshire
To Timber Dealers and Others
To Be Sold by Private Tender on Tuesday the 20th November next.
The Fallages of the Valuable Coppice Wood, known as “Graig-yr-Harris,” 45 acres in extent, (more or less) situated near Kemeys Bridge in the parish of Goytre.
Sealed tenders must be sent in or on before Tuesday the 20th day of November next to Frank W Byrde, Goytre, near Pontypool.
Purchasers will be required to pay down 12 per cent., to sign condition, which may be had on application; and deposit approved bills at six and ten months, for payment of the remainder of the purchase moneys.
The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
Dated the 31st day of October 1866.
Goytre, Pontypool.

November 24th  – Apples v Eggs
A young lad, named Isaac Jeremiah, appeared at the instance of a man Jones for stealing his apples.
The parties reside at Goytrey.
Jones had some apples on a barn floor and on looking through a crevice in the door he saw the lad putting some of them in a basket.
On speaking to him he put them back whence he had taken them.
Mrs Jeremiah said she had some hens laying in the barn, of which they were tenants until the month of May next and she sent her son with a basket (produced) to gather the eggs.
Jones said that the last witness had three hens laying in the barn.
The Bench said that although the lad might have been sent to look for eggs, yet he might also have taken an apple or two.
Case dismissed; complainant to pay 6s 6d costs.

December 4th  – The Bankruptcy Act 1861
Order of Discharge
In the County Court of Monmouthshire, holden at Usk.
In the matter of George Robert, of the parish of Monkswood in the County of Monmouth, Hat Dealer.
Whereas at a public sitting of the Court held this day, the Court granted an Order of Discharge to the said Bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given that an Order of Discharge will be drawn up and delivered to the said Bankrupt after the expiration of Thirty Days from this date unless in the meantime an appeal be duly entered against the Judgement of the said Court.
Dated this 4th day of December 1866.
W Graham, jun., High Bailiff

April 27th 1867 – Illegitimacy
A commercial traveller of the name of J F Collier, who was said to reside at Newport was summoned by Martha Lewis, of Goytrey, for the non-payment of 13 weeks bastardy arrears at 2s 6d per week.
Defendant, who did not appear, was ordered to pay with costs.
(Martha Lewis lived with her father John near Hay Meadow)
Another entry on April 8th 1869 for affiliation arrears against John Frederick Collier of Newport when he was summoned at the instance of Martha Lewis, Goytrey, for the non-payment of £1 2s 6d.
As defendant did not appear P.. Says proved having served him with the summons and an order of payment with costs was made upon him

July 27th  – Assault
Thomas Roberts (Royal Oak) was charged with assaulting Lucy Mercy, at Monkswood on the 13
th inst.
Mr Alexander Edwards appeared for the defendant.
Complainant stated that as she was going to shop for some bread for her children, she saw Roberts coming on the road; he came towards her and struck her down without saying a word; she got up and he knocked her down a second time and then she screamed out; he struck her a third time and when she fell down he put his knee on her chest and tried to choke her; he made use of some threatening oaths to her, telling her he would serve her the same.
It was elicited in cross-examination that the assault arose in consequence of complainants daughter being about to be married to defendant and Lucy not being agreeable to the union, proceeded to the church on the day of the wedding and forbad the celebration.
It was then made known that complainant could not produce a marriage certificate and the officiating minister declined to gratify her wish and the marriage was proceeded with.
It was then endeavoured to be shown that defendant was in fear of breaches.

August 10th
William Panniers v Thomas Roberts, Goytrey.
£2 5s balance on price of a horse. To be paid in a week.

October 2nd
James Davies, Usk, painter v William Bunning, Great House, Goytrey.
Claim £21 4s, for work and materials.
Plaintiff had put up a water closet, papered some rooms and sunk a well for defendant.
He also fixed a brass pump over the well, which did not throw enough water, and defendant objected to pay for it.
Plaintiff told him if he would pay the cost of sinking the well he would take the pump back.
£14 4s and 16s costs had been paid into court and his Honour gave judgement for that amount and defendant to send home the pump.

October 5th  – Overseers of Goytrey
This summons was heard to-day and after a few observations the magistrates decide to adjourn the case until the following Monday – the Highway Board having to meet in the afternoon of Friday-when the order of £120 was to be abandoned and a fresh order of £84 made, and which the overseers promised should be complied with, but in the event of their not complying the magistrates would enforce the call of £120.

October 12th
John Roderick, Goytrey, labourer, v Philip Saunders, Monkswood, labourer.
Claim for lodgings, 17s 4d.
Judgement for full amount to be paid by two instalments.

November 2nd  – Amicable Arrangements.
James Waite appeared at the instance of Amy Reece, Goytrey, for not paying to a bastardy order she had obtained against him.
Allowed to settle.

January 30th 1869 – Pontypool Police Court.
Getting into a House at Goytrey. – Elizabeth Thomas was charged with stealing 2s 6d. the moneys of George Watkins, at Goytrey on the 16th inst.
Mrs Watkins stated that on her return home on the day named, she found that her house, which was left locked, had been broken open.
Prisoner was found in one of the bedrooms and had put the half crown and some other things into holes in the wall, where the police discovered them.
The girl had been in the habit of going to the house and had been very kindly treated.
Sentenced to three weeks hard labour.
(Yew Tree Cottage, Rhydlofan)

May 8th  – Borough Police.
False Pretences – James Morgan, of the Goitre, was charged with obtaining a quantity of manure from Mr J S Stone of Dock Street, Newport, by fraudulent means.
Mr Wade, solicitor, appeared for the prosecution, and applied for a remand till Friday, which was granted.

June 5th  – An Umbrella Case.
Sarah Williams, a respectable woman from Llandegfeth, was charged with stealing an umbrella belonging to James Morgan, of Goytrey.
It was proved that the umbrella was taken in mistake without any felonious intention and the case was dismissed.

October 1st  – Marriage
At Crickhowell, September 21st, by the Rev. Thomas Evans, rector of Goytrey, Monmouthshire, uncle of the bride, Philip Edward Hill, M.R.C.S.E. and L.S.A.L. of Newport, Monmouthshire to Gertrude Marianne Susan, youngest daughter of the Rev. John Evans, B.D.rector of Crickhowell.

October  – Goytre
Persons willing to contract with the Usk and Pontypool Highways Board for widening and improving a further portion of the Star Road, in the above parish are requested to send sealed Tenders to the undersigned on or before Thursday, the 14th of October inst.
A plan and specification of the work may be seen at the office of Mr Henry Williams, the District Surveyor in Usk, on or after Saturday, the 2nd inst.
The names of two sureties must be given in the Tender.
J. Keats, Clerk to the Board.

October 1st  – Prostitution.
Harriet Davies and Rosanna Davies charged with being disorderly prostitutes were discharged on promising to leave the town immediately.
Mary Thomas, an elderly widow, living in George Street, formerly of Goytrey, was sentenced to seven days hard labour.

Thomas Jenkins, farmer, Goytrey, v George Roberts, haulier, Monkswood; claim £2 for straw. – Adjourned.

Undated – Putting his head in the Lion’s Mouth
Wm Shepherdson, woodcutter, Monkswood was charged with the offence of visiting a prostitute who formerly lived in a cottage at the top of Trosnant, which is at present occupied by P.C. 75 and that the defendant, in company with other men, went to the house on the night of Saturday last, after kicking up a row at the Wain-y-Clare Inn and demanded admission on the ground of “auld lang syne.”
As defendant appeared to have been the worst of the lot, he was apprehended and was now convicted in the penalty of 7s 6d., including costs, or seven days imprisonment.
(Wm. Shepherson of Twyn Cecil, Goytre)

1860 Free Press

June 9th, 1860

GOYTREY AGAIN—Mr. Harris, the assistant overseer, summoned the following persons for nonpayment of poor rates for the parish of Goytrey:—Messrs. G. Lloyd, Abegwelvan; G. Watkins, Church Farm; T. Jenkins, Land; J. Williams, Millin-y-co’ed; J. Watkin, Goytrey Hall; John Ballard, Chappel Head; and D. Fedman, Penpellewny.  Mr. Greenway, who appeared for defendants, then briefly alluded to the recent disturbances at Goytrey, and said that the assistant overseer, in order to “serve out” his clients, went to each of their houses, and (in most of the cases) seeing the mistress, merely said he had come for the rate, and because it was not paid forthwith, took out summonses against them. He contended that under the circumstances, summonses ought not to have been granted. The rates had been raised without the knowledge of the payers, and it was natural that they should feel aggrieved, and the conduct of the assistant overseer would not better the feeling in the parish if the summonses were enforced. It was most iniquitous. A message, and not a written notice, had been given them; and it had not even been demanded in any way from Watkins. His clients were ready to pay the amount of the rate but he must demur to the costs. Order for payment without costs.

County Observer and Monmouthshire Central Advertiser

October 10th, 1871.





At the Clarence Hotel, Pontypool, on

THURSDAY, the 2nd day of NOVEMBER, 1871, at Two o’clock in the afternoon, subject to the conditions of sale to be then produced;

THE following COPPICE WOODS standing and being in the Parish of GOYTREY, in lots, viz. :—

LOT l.-The Fallage of all that valuable Coppice Wood, situate on the Walnut Tree Farm, near Penpellenny, in the parish of Goytrey, containing by admeasurement 6a. 3r. 26p.

LOT 2.—The Fallage of all that valuable Coppice Wood, situate on the above Farm, containing by admeasurement 28a. 2r. lOp.

The Woods are of about 14 years standing, and will be found of superior quality and growth, and are specially worthy the attention of dealers.

The Timber and Oak Stores will be reserved. The Woods are within three quarters of a mile of Nantvderry Station on the Newport and Hereford Railway.

Mr. Daniel Tedman, tenant of the Farm, will show the Lots, and for further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Market House Chambers, Pontypool; or at Nantyderry House to Charles Watkins, bailiff to the Rev. Thomas Evans.

Oct. 10,1871. 


 March 30th, 1872.

Goytrey, Monmouthshire.



The above are on the Walnut Tree Farm, near Penpellenny, and within half-a-mile of the Nantyderry Railway station.

Tenders to be sent to Mr. JOHN PHILPOT, Auctioneer, Pontypool, on or before the 6th day of April next, of whom full particulars may be obtained.

August 15th, 1874.



Examination continued.

John Williams said, I am a farmer now living near Usk; I formerly lived in Goytrey; left there in April last; have known the parish 27 years; am 46 years of age; I managed a farm for Mr. Logan, called Penwern; I know the well in question Penwern is from half a mile to three quarters from the well; lived ten years in the farm; some of the land was within 80 yards of the well; everybody in the neighbourhood went to the narrow field well for water; John Prosser, of Penpellenny, went 26 years ago with a cask and cart; I knew many cottagers who went to the well for water; have gone with my horse and cart to the well to wet straw for thatching and took cattle to the pool close under the well; knew there were stones in front of the well, where they stepped for water, and a flat stone where they stood to dip for water; I do not think the flat stone was a yard long; never knew of anyone being prevented taking water until recently; Mr. Evans had a drain cut through the well in draining the land. About two years’ ago, I went to Mr. Evans in January, 1873, and said “I hoped he did not mean to stop up the well, as there was no other water to be had.” He said he did not mean to do so. John Collins, who lived in my farm house afterwards, got water from the well; some time after, in April or May, the well was covered over with stones; I went with Sir Joseph Bailey’s agent, Mr. Meyrick, to see the Rector; Mr. Meyrick asked him his reason for stopping up the well, and he said “because of an impudent woman.” Mr. Meyrick told him he must see Mr. Bailey’s rights were not encroached upon. He took Mr. Meyrick to a well at Black Beech; it was at that time filled with dark water. Mr. Meyrick said the water was unfit for use, and Mr. Evans admitted it. Mr. Meyrick asked where the poor people were to get water; he said they could go to the Star well on Mr. Berrington’s land. After some further conversation; Mr. Evans said he intended to sink a well three feet deep. In August last, early in the morning of a Monday, I saw David Bowen with a shovel, and John Jones, the parish clerk, was with him. Bowen was throwing rubbish into the well; there was a bad smell. A cart came there driven by Mr. Evans’ indoor servant; the cart contained broken glass and cow muck; it was tipped into the well; the gate as well as I can recollect was never locked; it was a swing gate fastened with staple and links; the well was fenced to keep geese from it.

By Mr. Dowdeswell: Lived in a cottage in Llanvair when first married; then went to Penwern, Mr. Logan’s farm, which is near the railway, between the church and Waite’s cottage. There was a pool opposite the plaintiff’s cottage; no stream ran into it; I never remember them going to that pool from Waite’s cottage for water; I levelled the ground and filled up the pool in 1859. It was not a spring; on the other side of the road from the narrow field is a sort of coppice or brake. When my cattle were affected with foot and mouth disease two years last fall, and were tacked at the Black Beech, I carried water from the narrow field well for the cattle; I could not get water any where else: never went after water to Twyn Shin well; do not know whether it is dry or not. Witness then enumerated a number of persons he had seen fetching water from the well.

By Mr. Matthews: Mr. Evans drained all round it to try to dry it but missed. The pool I filled up was about 25 yards from the hedge and opposite Waite’s house.

William Williams, of Burgwm: I was born in Goytrey, as well as my father and grandfather. I am 78 years of age, and remember’ the well for 70 years. All the neighbourhood got water from there; there was no water but there in dry weather; it was free to everyone; it was got to by railings instead of a gate when I was a lad; there were five rails one above another and they drew out; carts went to the well for water, the holly bushes were at the back of the well; a path from Penpellennv came along the road from the chain bridge over a watling stile to the well; the flat stone about the well was there when I first knew it; saw my father put the flat stone at the well.

Cross-examined by Mr. Huddleston: Was about eight years old when the stone was put down. His father was in the service of old Mr. Jenkins, who was then tenant of the Walnut-tree farm.

Ann Jenkins said she was 81, had lived in Goytrey all her life, and was never more than three miles from it until now. She had known this well and had drawn water from it for 70 years. She had never known it to be dry, and it had always been public.

Walter Jones said he was 67 years of age, and had lived in the parish of Goytrey all his life. He had always known the well in the narrow field as a public well. It ivas beautiful water, and he had never known the well to be dry.

William Williams, 64, Ann Daniel, 70, Charlotte Morgan, 52, and Isaac Wilks, all gave similar testimony. The latter, in cross examination, said there was a good supply of water from the shute, but it was never pure. There was also a good supply of water from the Black Well, and he had never known it fail, but when other wells were dry he always used to go to the well in the narrow field because it was nearer, and from the Black Well would have been up-hill.

Owen Davies, father of the plaintiff, said he was 86, and had known the well in the narrow field for 80 years. Forty years ago he used to go to it for water. He re- membered once asking permission of Mr. Rees, the tenant of the Farm at the time, to go to the weil for water, and he said there is the well for anybody that likes to go to it. When the well was stopped up he went to the rector and told him it would be a very bad thing for the poor if the well were stopped up. Mr. Evans said it should be shut up if his daughter did not send her three children back to school.

Ann Evans, who lived for eleven years in the house occupied by plaintiff before the latter went there; Thos. Roberts, Abraham Williams, James Cobner, and Mary Davies, also gave evidence of a public use of the well at various times in the past 50 years.

Lieut,-Col. Byrde said he lived at Goytrey and was a J.P. in the county. He knew the well up to 1834 and since 1860. He had seen many people going to the well and looked upon it as a public well.

Mr. Huddleston: You and Mr. Evans are the only two gentlemen residents in the parish?

Witness: We are.

Mr. Huddleston: And you are not on very good terms with each other?

Witness: Mr. Evans is not on very good terms with me (laughter). I don’t profess to be on bad terms with him.

Charles Watkins said he was a servant in the employ of the Rev. Thomas Evans. By his master’s orders he had the well in the narrow field filled up with stones. When it was re-opened he had it filled up again by his master’s orders. The well was about a foot deep. The well was opened by the neighbours, and then they went to it again for water. He had to get jt filled up again several times. The last time was on the 17th August. On that day his master said he was to bring the men and get the stuff from the little houses to put into the well. He told Mr. Evans he hoped he would not do that, and Mr. Evans said he was determined to do it; they had annoyed him so. He objected to do it, and so did the other workmen. Next day he found the well had been filled up with stones. It was done by the workmen he supposed., The men kept piling up stones on the well for six or seven days.–Cross examined by Mr. Huddleston: Was bailiff to Mr. Evans at the time, and received 15s. per week; left after that and went to Col. Byrde, at 18s. per week; the other workmen were present, their names were, James Lewis, Wm. Price, and John Jones; defendant said the same to them as he did to me; they objected to do it, and defendant said, “You must strike, then,” and they did strike.

Police-constable Allen, No. 19, M.C., said he was present two or three times when the well was opened. He saw it being filled up in June. Saw a large stone put in that was nearly enough to fill the well. Did not hear Mr. Evans give the stone any name. He was present on the last occasion that the well was opened. It appeared to have been filled with privy soil, horse dung, broken glass, and bushes, over that had been a heap of stones. It was a large heap and some people said there must have been a thousand tons there.–Cross-examined: Was present at the well by request of Mr. Evans. for the purpose of keeping the peace.

Mr. Jeremiah said he was a butcher, living at Goytrey, and for 40 years had known persons to use the well. He saw the stones removed from the well three times, and every time the water was there as before.—Cross-examined: Married John Williams’s sister; used to supply the rectory with some butcher’s meat –to the extent of £80 or £90 a year at one time; did not know exactly when he ceased to supply the rectory.

This was the plaintiff’s case.


Mr. Huddleston, in opening his defence, gave a total and positive denial, to the imputations which had been made against Mr. Evans. There was no proof of any private right. He submitted that there was no public right proved, and said he did not believe there was any spring at all After going through and commenting upon the points of the evidence given by the witnesses for the plaintiff, he stated the nature of the evidence he intended to call, and read an affidavit made by Rees Rees to the effect that he occupied the Walnut Tree Farm, and was living there 30 years ago. While there no one claimed a right to go across his land to the pool in the narrow field. There was no entrance to it from the road. The only entrance to it was through a field gate by the side of the brake. People had asked his permission to go into the field to get water from the well, and he occasionally gave them permission. The learned counsel pointed out how that corroborated the evidence of Owen Davis, who had said he never went to the well for water until he had asked permission to do so.

The following witnesses were then called:-

Mr. T. D. Steele said he was an engineer, carrying on business at Newport, and he had known the parish of Goytrey for more than 30 years. The plan produced was made in his office, and it was a copy of the tithe map. He had himself marked the wells on the plan, also the situations of the houses. There were plenty of spring wells in the parish, and he knew the position of a good many of them. There was no village in the parish. The houses were scattered all about. The distance from this cairn of stones to the farthest boundary of the parish was about two miles. There were houses very near the boundary. He examined this spot last Monday. There was now a heap of stones, and if a permanent spring existed there it would show itself through the stones. The ground around the cairn was all dry, but there were appearances of a boggy nature. He examined the mouth of a drain at the bottom of the field, and no water was coming from it. Looking to the direction of the drain, which appeared to pass close by the cairn he should expect, if a spring existed there, to find water coming from the mouth of that drain.

John Hodgson said he was assistant to Mr. Steele. He had measured the distance from plaintiff’s cottage to the different wells. There was a well at 720 yards, another 36 yards from it on the same road. From the cottage to the cairn of stones was 724 yards. From Penpellenny to the wooden shoot carrying water over the railway was 466 yards. There was an ample supply of water when he was there. From Penpellenny to the cairn of stones was 720 yards, measured from the schools. From the same spot to the black well was 763 yards. There was also plenty of water there, and at the other places he had mentioned.— Cross-examined: It was more than a mile from Wait’s cottage to the black well; had never carried a bucket of water a mile.

Thomas Edmund George said he was a land valuer at Newbridge. In the autumn of 1870 he was instructed by Mr. Walters to make a valuation of the Walnut Tree Farm. He took a tracing of the farm from the parish map, and then went over the land in company of the tenant. In a pasture piece, numbered 687a, he found water for cattle, but no spring. A brake separated this field from the next. There he found water for cattle, also in the next field close by the railway. The tenant told him there was water at that spot all the year round. He afterwards sold the land to Mr. Evans for £1,800 and something. He found no spring, and there was no footpath from the road into the field where there was a pool for watering cattle.—Cross-examined: Could not recollect any stones at either of the places where he saw water; did not notice a holly tree.

William Jones, labourer, said after the well had been opened three or four times he had to assist in filling it up again. They first of all got two or three buckets of soil from under an archway, where cattle went through, and they put that stuff into the pool or reservoir that had been opened. Mr. Evans had not given them instructions to put that filth into the well. They did that without instructions.–Cross examined: Was one of the men who went in the night to do something to the well; Bowen and Harding were also there; volunteered to assist in filling up this well; did not know when Mr. Evans asked him to volunteer, and did not know that he was asked to assist because John Jones and other men had refused to do what Mr. Evans wanted; believed that a quantity of the broken glass and filth that was put into the well came from Nantyderry House (Mr. Evans’s); was his own idea, that of putting in the filth from under the arch; did it because he had been so annoyed by children hooting him, and calling out “water, water;”  they did it, he supposed, because he was a tenant under Mr Evans; had beer given him by Mr. Evans whilst he was filling up the well; was no bad smell from the stuff from Nantyderry House–Re-examined. Mr. Evans had nothing at all to do with putting the filth into the well.

Richard Bowen said he was with the last witness when the well was filled up. Mr. Evans never gave any instructions about putting in the filth.

John Harding, indoor servant, said he helped to carry a bucket of filth from under the arch and put it into the well. His master knew nothing about that.

Thomas Evans, the defendant, said he was rector of the parish of Goytrey, and had been for upwards of 30 years. It was not with his knowledge or consent that the filth was put into the well. Watkins’s statement about the nightsoil was a monstrous falsehood. He purchased the Walnut Tree Farm in 1871. Had known the narrow field for 30 years. Never knew of a footpath to the waterpool. There was no trace of a footpath from the road to the pool when he bought the farm. Never heard of any right to go to that pool for water. The field was a very boggy one, and there was a wet brake below when he bought it. He cleared away the brake, and proceeded to drain the land. He began these alterations about April, 1872. When the draining was begun his attention was called to this pool. It was close by the brake, and the brake was full of holes. There was no spring in this pool because he tried it. He found that the water in the pool came from an old land drain, and he was told if he cut off that drain he would soon find no water in the pool, He had found that no water came. He had what water remained taken out as close as possible, and then he was satisfied there was no spring. He finished the fencing in about a year and a-half after the completion of purchase. In April, 1873, John Wiiiiams called on him to get a bill settled, and he then said he hoped witness would not close up that place so that it could not be opened in dry seasons. He told Mr. Williams it was not his intention to do so. It would be filled in such a manner that it could be re opened. He never heard any claim of a right. In June of the same year he saw plaintiff getting over his fence. Asked her what she wanted, and she said she was going for water. Asked her if she had permission. She said “No, and she did not mean to ask for any.” He turned to Price, and asked him if he heard that. It was the first he had heard of any right, and he told the woman she should not under these circumstances go there for water. The conversation then took a different turn, and he accused her of ingratitude. She said something about his not giving her work, and he told her if he gave her work she could send her children back to school. She then said she would not. He had the pool filled up the same night. It had been closed up before that, but he had it re-opened for the cattle.—Cross-examined by Mr. Matthews: Was by cutting off the drain he got rid of the water from the pool; had never examined the place before June, 1873; could not tell that there had been an unfailing supply of water in the pool for 60 or 70 years during the driest summers; the pool had been shut up once before; saw the water bubbling in it, and was told that it came from a drain he had previously put in; the pool was closed up again within a week, and it was only opened once after that; did not know that on the 18th August his men were going to fill up the well very early in the morning; had not been round to the workmen about it on the previous Saturday; gave general directions to his servant; saw the broken bottles that were taken to the well from his house; did not see any of the filth with the bottles that had been spoken of; so far as he knew’there was no filth; ordered the broken bottles to be put into the heap of stones, to produce a de- terrent effect upon those who said they would open it 100 times; did not cause it to be known that the broken bottles had been put there; had never seen any one fetching water from that place, but had heard they did so in dry seasons heard it from the tenant; did not know that it had been used as a public well; re-opened this pool in the narrow field because he could not get enough from the well in the bank; did not think there was a bucket of water in the pool when it was last covered; did not think he told Mrs. Waite she should go to the well if she would send her children back to the parish school; did say something to her to test her sincerity; promised she should have water if she would withdraw the right she had set up; what he said to the woman about sending her children to school had nothing to do with the question of water; the height of the heap of stones would be about nine feet.

Thomas Prosser said he was a small farmer. His grandfather bought this cottage that Mrs. Waite lives in. The cottage has been his since his grandfather’s death, about 10 years ago. He has known the cottage all his life. The cottagers used to be supplied from the well in the Wern, a field on the opposite side of the road to the cottage. After that was stopped up the cottagers used to get water from the Black Beech well. Never knew of a well in the narrow field, or of a footpath to it. Never knew the well at Black Beech to be dry until now. He knew no right that his tenants had to get water from the narrow field.

William Phillips, farmer and valuer, said some years ago he made a valuation of some land in Goytrey parish, for railway purposes. He made a valuation of the narrow field There was water in the field. He did not consider it a well, but he gave compensation for the loss of water. Any part of the field was a swamp, but there was no well there.

William Bevan, said he used to live at Coldbrook Cottage. He used to get water for his parents from the well in the Wern and the Black Beech well. Never went to the narrow field for water.

Mary Ann Morgan, Elizabeth Bowen, William Matthews, William Williams, John Harris, Wm. James, and Hannah Jenkins were also called to prove there was an abundant supply of good water in the other wells, and that they had never known of any public right to, or common use of, the water in the narrow field.

Thomas Waters, of Caerphilly, owner of the farm before Mr. Evans, said during the time he knew the farm, over 30 years, he never heard of any public right to take water from the narrow field. Rees Rees, of Cwmbran, made a deposition which was put in. he being too ill to appear. It stated that he occupied the Walnut Tree Farm eleven years, and left about 30 years ago. During his tenancy there was no path to the well, and no right of public way to it. Occasionally in dry summers people had asked him for permission to take water from the pool in the narrow field. There was a well under an ash tree by the bank in an adjoining field, and it was from that well his household obtained their water supply.

Alfred Fabian, schoolmaster, of Goytrey. said in July, 1873, he was present when the well by Black Beech was tested. They found eleven springs running into the well, and there was a yield of about 31 gallons of beautiful pure water everv five minutes.

Nathaniel Price, aged 72, said he had known the parish of Govtrey 40 years. He had since drained the field for Mr. Evans and found no spring there. He had never known people go to the narrow field for water. There was a well of good water by the Black Beech, and he had never known it fail. He was one of the men who worked with Charles Watkins as stated, but he had never heard the rector give any directions about putting night soil into the well.

John Jones said he helped to get stone to put in the well, and he never at any time heard the rector give directions for putting night soil into it.

Wm. Edgar said he had lived at Goytrey 25 years, and he never heard of any right to take water from a pool in the narrow field. There was a track for the creatures, but no bound path. He never saw a well in the narrow field and never saw anyone going there for water. He had seen Louisa Waite and the tenant who preceded her, going to the other wells for water.

Edmund Dixon, another old resident, was called to prove that 15 years ago he put in a drain, which led the water from the upper ground into this pool. The pool was in a bogary place.

His Lordship said if they could have gone to the spot, and then examined the witnesses at the nearest public-house, tney might have settled this matter in about six hours.

Mr. Huddleston expressed his willingness to leave the whole question to his lordship’s decision. He thought it was the onlv way ot restoring peace.

His Lordship said he must decline to take it out of the hands of the jury, but if he had known what was coming, he should have suggested a visit to the spot.

Mr. Huddleston said he was afraid whichever way the verdict of the jury might go, it would only lead to more trouble; but if his lordship would consent to settle what should be done, there might be an end of it.

Nothing could be arranged, and the case proceeded.

William Pardoe spoke to working with the last witness in draining this land for Mr. Logan about 16 years ago. He gave very similar testimony to that of Edmund Dixon.

James Dix. an elderly gentleman, said he was a connection of Col. Byrde’s, and forty years ago he used regularly to go shooting over this narrow field. A gutter across the lane conveyed the water into it from the wood above. He remembered the place very well, because on one occasion his horse put a foot into the gutter and fell.

This being all the evidence.

His Lordship made certain suggestions to the counsel, and after a consultation, Mr. Mathews said his clients had decided to consent to the withdrawal of a juror and to waive all questions of victory or triumph, if Mr. Evans would agree to provide a good and sufficient supply of water for the use of the parishioners, at his own expense, and upon terms to be decided by his lordship.

Mr. Huddleston said his client was perfectly satisfied to leave the matter in the hands of his lordship, who had heard the evidence of both sides. Whatever his lordship might think fair and reasonable, and even generous, Mr. Evans would be willing to do, and would in all probability have done so before if he had been appealed to in a proper spirit. If this was agreed to Mr. Evans would leave the court without any feeling of hostility towards anyone, and he hoped that no such feeling would be shown towards him.

His Lordship thought it better for all parties that these arrangements should be made, and that no verdict should be given. It did away with the sense of triumph or victory, and brought out the good feeling of both sides. His suggestion was that Mr. Evans should trace back the water supply to the higher ground, and put in a place by the end of the old culvert where it joined the road. He thought water might be found there in sufficient abundance for all the wants of the parish. He quite exonerated Mr. Evans from any parlicipation in the matter of putting filth into the well, and thought that some too ready instruments thought they were doing what was extremely clever when, in fact, they were doing a very bad act. If Mr. Evans had a right to stop up the well, he had a right to put over it a cairn 9ft. or 90ft., if he so pleased. Whether there was water there from the time of Richard I was a difficult question to solve, and it, had not been solved there, so that none could go away and say they had solved it.

A juror was then withdrawn, and the matter made subject to the Judge’s order. His lordship promised to draw up the order when he arrived at Gloucester. [The foregoing is a condensed report of the remarks of the Judge in this case. Want of space obliges us to hold over the verbatim remarks, which shall appear in our next issue.]

More newspaper articles relating to this story can be found here.

Griffiths, Mrs Annie – 1918

Abergavenny Chronicle, 7th June 1918.


The death took place at her residence, quite suddenly on Sunday night, the 26th ult., at the age of 68, of Mrs. Annie Griffiths, Maesyberan, Goytre. Although the deceased had been ailing for some considerable time, her intimate friends had hoped that she would have recovered and been spared for some years. Warned by her medical attendant, Dr. Foley, she knew for some time before death that the end was at hand, but she faced it with composure. When only 19 years of age deceased went to an aunt in America and entered different business establishments whilst there, until. owing to leading a too strenuous life, her health gave way. Her medical advisers recommended her to return to the old country, where she quickly recuperated. The business knowledge she acquired abroad had a great fascination for her, and being a very strong-willed lady she embarked upon various business enterprises, which she conducted most successfully. The deceased lady was born at The Duffryn Farm, being the second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Cwm Farm, Govilon. 

County Observer & Monmouthshire Advertiser

Saturday February 13th 1869.

WHAT IS a JUBBINS —John Richards, David Evans, and William Morgan, school-boys, were charged with assaulting James Jones, and trespassing in the National School, at Goytrey. In this case Messrs. Byrde and Evans did not act as magistrates. Mr. Alexander Edwards, appeared for complainant, and Mr. Greenway for the defendants. The complainant deposed that on January 26th, while the schoolmaster of the Goytrey National School was absent from the dinner school; he was in that school eating his dinner, when defendants, and some 18 or 20 other boys belonging to the Goytrey British School, which was a mile off, rushed into the National School in a body, beat the desks and cupboards with sticks, sprinkled the ink about, dragged him out of the schoolroom, saying he must go back to their school, and then beat and kicked him. In cross-examination, complainant said that the British boys called them the “Goytrey Infants,” and they called the British boys “Goytrey Jubbins;” which meant Goytrey donkeys, that they (the National boys) got upon the desks, &c., themselves, and that the boy who struck him with a stick was named John Morgan, not one of the defendants. Another lad gave similar evidence. Mr. Greenway submitted that this was a ridiculous affair, which ought not to have been brought into court, and that the boys would make friends again directly if left to themselves. Mr. Berrington stopped the case, and said the Bench thought that the schoolmasters might deal with it by administering punishment where it was wanted. The costs, 24s., were divided.

April 20th, 1901.

GOYTRE BRITISH SCHOOL. Communications were read from Mr. F. G. W. ,Chalklen, formerly correspondent of the Goytre British School, and from the Rev. Richard A. Byrde, with regard to the water supply there. Mr. Charles, as one of the managers of the School, said that a meeting had been held, and although he was unable to be present himself, he understood that it bad-been decided to sink a well on the School premises.

January 11th, 1902.

West Monmouthshire School.


The following is a list of the candidates who were successful at the examination held on December 17th, 1901:—


1 E. H. Evans, Cwmffrwdoer Board School

2 F. R. Nicholas, Sudbrook Board School, T. Marchant, Blaenavon British Board School

4 W. E. Grey, Griffithstown Board School

5 J. Charles, Goytrey British School

6 D. R. Nicholas, Forge Side Board School

7 R. F. Thurtle, Griffithstown Board School, G. H. Cooke, Griffithstown Board School

9 C. L. Frederick, Eveswell Boys’ School

The successful candidates are requested to attend at the School on Tuesday, the 21st inst., at 9.30 a.m.

Weekly Mail

16th December, 1882.

PONTYPOOL. TREVETHIN SCHOOL BOARD.—At an adjourned meeting of this board, held on Wednesday after-noon, Mr. W. Conway presiding. Mr. II. J. England, head-master of Goytre British School, was appointed head-master of Snatchwood School in the place of Mr. H. W. Clarke, who has resigned.

1918 Free Press

March 22nd – Pontypool Police Court

Collier Hitchler’s Lapse: – William Stinchcombe, head hitchler, Goytrey, pleaded guilty to a charge of sleeping in the mine in the Crumlin Valley Colliery on March 7th – Mr W J Everett, solicitor, Pontypool prosecuted.
David Green, overman, said that at about 6.50 on March 7th he found defendant asleep in the cabin at the bottom of the pit shaft. He took his lamp away and called another workman to wake him up.
Defendant offered no excuse for his conduct and he was fined £3.

March 29th – A Free Ride

James Crowen, ships fire-man was charged with travelling on the G.W.R. without having paid his fare at Nantyderry on March 22nd. Defendant said he had been discharged from his ship in Liverpool and after a ‘spree’ in which he had spent all his money, decided to reach Cardiff to re-ship there.
The Bench took a lenient view and fined him 20s or one day.

April 19th – Supplementary Rations

Goytrey – Residents in the Pontypool Rural District who have applied for Supplementary Ration Cards may obtain same at the Food Office, Club Chambers, Pontypool, between the hours of 9.30 am and 5.30 pm, on Friday and Saturday next, the 26th and 27th of April on presentation of Meat Cards.
Meat cards may be sent by messenger or post at the owner’s risk, but in the letter a stamp must accompany.

June 6th – Freehold Public House, Nantyderry

Messrs Pitten & Sons have been instructed to sell by Public Auction, in June 1918, the Valuable Freehold Public House, known as The Refreshment Rooms, Nantyderry.
Also the adjoining Freehold Dwelling House, together with about 40 acres of Valuable Freehold Land in the same neighbourhood.

June 14th – Glan-y-Nant Cottage Mamhilad

Valuable Freehold Dwelling House, Garden and Orchard.
Messrs Pitten & Sons have received instruction to sell by Public Auction at the Crown Hotel, Pontypool, early in July. Further particulars will appear later. (Entry in the Free Press on July 26th Glan-y-Nant sold privately and will not be offered for sale by Public Auction.)

June 28th – Pontypool Police Court

Robert Sidney Mainwaring, farmer Penpellenny, was summoned for selling milk which contained 5.06 per cent of added water to Inspector Lewis at Penpellenny on May 4th.
Defendant pleaded not guilty and said that the milk was sold as it came from the cow. – Fined £3.

July 26th – Valuable Properties

All that Freehold Double-Licensed Public House, known as The Refreshment Rooms, with Stables, Outbuildings and Garden belonging thereto, situate close to Nantyderry Station, in the County of Monmouth, now in the occupation of Mr David Hutchinson.
This lot is excellently situated for Business Purposes and the House is a Free House.
Lot 2
All that Valuable Freehold Dwelling House, adjoining lot 1, now let as a Post Office, situate at Nantyderry, aforesaid, with the garden belonging thereto and now in the occupation of Mr Leonard Lloyd, at the low rent of £11 per annum, the tenant paying rates.
Lot 3.
All that Valuable Freehold Dwelling House adjoining Lot 2, with the garden belonging thereto, and now in the occupation of Mr Edwin Poole at the low annual rent of £6, the tenant paying rates.
Lot 4
All that Valuable Freehold Dwelling House, adjoining Lot 3, with the Garden belonging thereto and now in the occupation of Mrs Thomas at the low annual rent of £6, the tenant paying rates.
Lot 5
All that Valuable Freehold Dwelling House, adjoining Lot 4, with the garden adjoining thereto, and now in the occupation of Mr Frederick Leworthy at the low annual rent of £6, the tenant paying rates.
Lot 6.
All that Valuable Freehold Field containing 11 acres and 29 perches, situate at Nantyderry and at the rear of Lots 1-5, now let to Mr William Knipe at the low rent of £12 per annum.

August 2nd – Roll of Honour – Lance-Corporal P.T. Lewis

(In Obituaries)

August 31st – Nantyderry Market Garden Training Centre

A large gathering assembled at Nantyderry House on the occasion of the first gathering at this School of Market Gardening to women.
The Chairman, (Mrs James,) explained that the gardens at Nantyderry had only been in the Committee’s hands since the end of April. Eight students had been in residence since last year, and five scholars had passed the Royal Horticultural Society’s examination in March, after tuition from Miss Warlerg (?) Formerly student and lecturer of Swanley Horticultural College.
This term three scholars, seven students and seven land workers, making 17 in all were in residence.
Miss Jackson, secretary, said that the Market Garden Training Centre had been inaugurated by the Monmouthshire Agricultural Education Committee, who offer six scholarships of £40 a year to women over 18 years of age, resident in the County for training in garden dairy and poultry work, during 44 weeks.
The scholars are expected to pass to preliminary qualifying examination.
Three scholarships would be vacant in September, for the subsequent two terms. The fees for public being £66 per year, including board, residence and tuition, the scholars are expected to to contribute at the rate of £26 a year towards their expenses. Pupils could enter for a shorter time, but the Committee hoped that the majority would stay at Nantyderry for two terms then pass on to specialised training or professional garden work.
At the request of Mrs James, Lady Mather Jackson, chairman of the Mon. Women’s War Agricultural Committee, gave a short address.

September 6th – No Lights

Joseph Mayers, Goytrey, was fined 5s for driving a horse and cart without lights at Llanvihangle-Pontymoile on August 17th. P.O. Merrick gave evidence.
Defendant explained that his horse fell lame and he had walked the animal for five miles before his lamp went out.

September 6th – Burgwm, Goytre

About 2 miles from Nantyderry Railway Station.
Unreserved Sale of Useful Live and Dead Farming Stock, comprising:
Active Four-year-old Roan Half-bred Mare, 13 hands, good worker:
3 Prime Dairy Cows and Heifers:
3 promising Yearling Heifers:
4 Capital Bull and Heifer Calves:
2 Prime Bacon Pigs;
Wheat and Oats in straw:
About 1 acre Great Scott Potatoes:
Well built pleasure trap:
Crank axle Cart:
Harness &c
Which John H Rennie has been instructed by the administrators of the late Mr John Davies to offer for sale by Auction on Thursday September 12th at Two o’clock.

September 6th – For Sale Ty Cooke

A charming residential and agricultural estate about 4 miles from Pontypool, having an area of 190 acres and 2 rood.


Tyr-y-wen Farm, Goytre, Chestnut Cottage, Glanynant Cottage, Oviel Garn Cottage and Rose Tree Cottage, which Messrs Newland, Hunt & Williams have been instructed to offer for sale by auction, at the Mart, 19, Commercial Street, Newporton Wednesday September 11th 1918.

September 6th – Roll of Honour

Second Lieutenenat Llewellyn Richards

(In Obituaries)

November 8th – Pontypool Police Court

Another dismissal; Annie Stinchcombe, produce dealer, Goytrey, was summoned by the Pontypool Food Control Committee for selling a wild rabbit at a price in excess of the Food Controller’s price in the Pontypool Market on October 23rd.
Mr I Watkins-Evans, Executive Office prosecuted and Mr Harold Saunders, solicitor Pontypool, for the defendant.
Mrs Edith Rapley, Pontypool said she purchased a rabbit weighing one pound ten ounces from defendant in the Market on October 23rd and was charged 2s for it. The price for the rabbit should have been 1s 3d.
Defendant said she had no recollection of selling a rabbit to Mrs Rapley and in any event, as the rabbit in question was not re-weighed in her presence she could not swear as to the weight of it – the summons was dismissed.

November 15th – Pontypool Police Court

Furious driving charge dismissed.
Frederick Gregory, lorry driver, Abergavenny was summoned for driving a motor-car in manner dangerous to the public.
Ed. Charles, farmer, Goytrey, said that, when going up the Pentwyn Hill with three horses, drawing a load of lime, he saw a large motor lorry approaching him and being driven at from 30 to 35 miles an hour. The driver of the car gave no warning of his approach and the sight of the car so frightened the three horses that they turned round, broke the shafts off the cart and ran wild down the hill.
The car then stopped and he asked the driver (defendant) why he was driving so quickly.
He replied “The horses were coming along the road so quietly that I did not think it necessary for me to pull up.”
Cross-examined: The front horse shied first and frightened the others. The car was about 70 yards away from him when he first saw it and it was within about 16 yards of him when the driver first began to pull up. The car skidded that distance and pulled up before reaching him.
He did not tell defendant that the sound of his horn first frightened the horses; By Supt. Barry, the horses ran about 80 yards down the road before he stopped them by throwing one of them to the ground and breaking the set of harness to pieces.
Abraham Jenkins Pentwyn Farm corroborated. Albert Lyford, waggoner, Goytrey, also gave corroborative evidence.
P.C. Merrrick said he measured the wheel marks and found they had skidded for 16 yards. The car had pulled up right opposite the front of the wagon.
Witness saw defendant at Abergavenny on the 26th ult. and spoke to him. He said, “I was not driving fast” Charles told him it was the sound of the horn which frightened the horses, the car weighs 8 tons, if I am summoned I shall not have to pay.
Case dismissed.

November 29th – Re John Davies, Deceased

John Davies of Burgwm Cottage, Goytrey, Mon, deceased and Emily Davies of Burgwm Cottage, Goytrey, deceased afterwards of Pentre Cottage, Goytrey.
All persons having any claim or demands against the estate of the above named John Davies who died on the 25th day of July 1918, or against the estate of the above named Emily Davies, who died on the 6th day of November 1918 are requested forthwith to send detailed particulars thereof to me.
W J Everett, Solicitor, Pontypool.

1962 Free Press

January 19th

New village hall at Goytre may be started this year

Goytre village hall held their annual general meeting on Monday, Mrs R Rees presiding.

It was reported the funds for a new village hall, to replace the one which was destroyed by fire nearly three years ago now stood at £3,214.

The retiring chairman, Mr O Morgan, said the Ministry of Education had promised a grant of £3000 and it was hoped to make a start on the new building this year.

The total cost of the new hall would be in the region of £9000 a further £3,000 would still have to be raised.

The position would be much better if the National Council of Social Services would return about £1,000 of the insurance money it received after the fire.

Mr Morgan pointed out that the total insurance paid out had been £2,500 but the committee had only received £900. This meant that the National Council had claimed £1,600.

“In view of the fact that they were prepared to sell us the hall for £500 before it was destroyed we feel we should have received a far larger share of the insurance money,” he said.

Officers elected were: Mr O Morgan, chairman; Mr F Robinson, vice-chairman; Mr D Simmonds, treasurer; and Mr B Bishop, secretary.

Committee: Messrs J Rees, C Morris, Wm Morgan, B Wilding, S Hayes, E Draper and H Stinchcombe;

Mesdames E James, Wilson, Dibble, Simmonds and M Frewin.

January 19th – A Social Evening at Goytre

By kind invitation of the president Mrs Wynford-Rees, Goytre VPA held their social and supper at Goytre Hall. Mrs Rees presided, supported by officers and members of the committee.

Mrs Rees, welcoming the members praised the ladies and all who had helped to put on such a splendid meal. She was glad to see so many new members taking an interest in the life of the village.

Mr H Prosser thanked the president for the use of the room and her kind words. Mrs Wilson presented Mrs Rees with a bouquet.

Music was provided by Mrs Fisher and Mrs Draper, songs were sung by Mr Filer and Mr J Thomas recitations and stories by Mr H Prosser, they were thanked by the secretary.

Stewards were Messrs Wilson and A O Morris. Prizes were won by Mr R Dobbs, Mrs G E Jones, Mrs Ramsay, Mr H Prosser and Mr D J Evans.

January 19th – Mr E J Williams
(In obituaries)

May 4th – Mrs M Stinchcombe
(In obituaries)

June 15th – Jones (Goulding)

Cherished memories of my dear sister Annie of Llewn celyn Bungalow, who was taken from us June 12th 1954, Lovingly remembered by her sister Flor and brother-in-law Harold, – Too dearly loved to be forgotten.

Cherished memories of a dearly loved mother Annie Elizabeth of Goytre, who passed away June 12th 1954. – Always remembered by loving daughter Doreen and son-in-law Basil. – Too dearly loved to be forgotten.

June 15th – Landed in Australia with £5 now owns 6,500 acres

When Goytre born Mr Owen Jenkins arrived in Adelaide, Southern Australia, In January 1927 after a six week sea voyage via the Cape of Good Hope, he had £5 in his pocket.

Now, in addition to six and a half thousand acres of wheat and sheep property at Kalannie, Western Australia, he has a six acres estate at Armadale, a southern suburb of Perth, where he retired last autumn to fulfil a life-long ambition – that of breeding special horses for training as “trotters”.

An Old Westmonian and still a bachelor at 58, Mr Jenkins arrived back in Pontypool recently with his sister, Jocelyn, for 3 months well earned holiday.

He is staying with his brother Norman, whose garage business in Rockhill Road is well known in the district.

On Friday he told a Free Press reporter how, as a young man, he undertook contracting work in the Pontypool area in order to earn enough money for his fare to Australia, which, even in 1926 was quite considerable.

Land of Opportunity

Both my parents came from farming stock he explained and I wanted to follow suit, but farming was to expensive in this country, so I decided to go to Australia where there seemed to be plenty of opportunity.

Once in Adelaide Mr Jenkins found work on a farm within a week, and eventually saved enough money to buy a farm of his own at Kalannie. Until four years ago he owned 13,000 acres of that hot, dry country, 200 miles north-east of Perth, but then he decided to sell half of it to buy a smaller farm at Donnybrook in the dairy farming and apple growing district of the Preston Valley, where he raised cattle.

Mr Watkins now has very little to do with the running of the farm, although he often goes there at shearing time.

Asked how Pontypool appeared to him after almost 35 years of absence, he commentated that the town itself and the inhabitants in particular looked far more prosperous that when he left for Australia, which is hardly surprising when it is considered that 1926, the year of his departure, saw the Eastern Valley held fast in the grip of the General Strike.

From Summer to Summer

In October Mr Jenkins and his sister will return to the other side of the world on board the SS Strathmore. They hope to arrive just in time for the start of a new hay making season, and, as Jocelyn remarked, “we shall enjoy the best of both worlds; as the beautiful English summer comes to an end here we shall be arriving in time for a spell of hot Australian sun”.

July 6th – Sale of Mowing Grass

About 13 acres at Berllandowel, Goytre, the property of Messrs C G and M J Boyce, adjoining Pantypwdin Farm.

Rennie Taylor & Till will sell from the rostrum in Usk Market at 1.30 pm on Monday next, July 9th.

July 13th – Freehold Smallholding

For sale with possession, the freehold smallholding known as Berllandowel.

Comprising: Stone and slated dwelling house, containing 2 living rooms, with 3 bedrooms and box room over. Lean to wood and GI washhouse adjoining.

Stone and GI Roof beast house and loose boxes, together with 22.5 acres pasture and other land.

Access to the property is via a right of way through Pantypwdin Farm, Monkswood, on the main Usk-Pontypool road.

To be conducted by auction unless sold previously by

Rennie Taylor & Till at the Clarence Hotel on Tuesday July 31st at 6.45 pm

July 13th – Goytre

Goytre women’s institute were given an interesting demonstration by Mrs J G Cale of Porkskewett on the utilisation of secondary joints of meat.

Mrs Swinnerton presided and Mrs Cale was thanked by Mrs Young.

Mrs Bath won the competition for a thrift garment.

Tea hostesses were Mesdames D Jones, Knox and E Morris.

September 14th – Goytre woman’s application for an off-licence fails

An application by a Goytre grocer for an off-licence to sell intoxicants was turned down by Pontypool magistrates on Friday.

Mrs Iris Doreen James, of Fairfield estate, Goytre, said there was a demand for an off-licence in the area by people who did not like going into a public house.

She said many of her customers had asked her to sell intoxicants and she produced a petition of this effect signed by many Goytre residents.

Mrs James said she operated a grocery delivery service as far as Croesyceiliog and intended to deliver intoxicants by the same method.

Col. H M Everett, objecting on behalf of Pontypool and District Licensed Victualler’s Association and the licensee of the Goytre Arms, Mr William Albert Kenny, said if the license was granted Mrs James would be able to deliver intoxicants in the Croesyceiliog and Cwmbran area where there were many off-license houses.

She would be operating, he said, what was virtually a mobile off-license service.

Mr Kenny said his premises were only 150 yards away from Mrs James’s shop. He was working at the ROF, Glascoed, because the income from the public house was not very substantial and he was of the opinion there was no great local demand for an off-licence.

October 19th – Man accused of offences against step-daughter

A former Goytre man, now of no fixed abode, was alleged at a special Pontypool magistrates court on Monday to have been mis-behaving sexually with his 16 years old step-daughter since she was ten years old.

In September of this year, seven months after the man and his wife had separated, the court was told, the stepdaughter gave birth to a child.

The man, a 28 year old scrap-worker, was committed for trial at the next Monmouthshire Assizes, accused of having unlawful sexual intercourse with the girl when she was aged ten; and of committing two similar offences when the girl was 13 and 16.

The girl’s mother said she married the defendant in 1955 and after living in London until 1957 they moved to Little Mill. After that there were six further changes of address within a few miles of each other.

“Just after the marriage I noticed my husband was trying to pull my daughter his way and turn her against me,” said the mother.

Girl’s Evidence
The girl, a factory worker, said her stepfather first behaved improperly towards her shortly after the marriage when they were living in London.

She described incidents which took place in the front room of a house in which they lived and told the magistrates that her stepfather was first intimate with her when she was aged 10.

Shortly afterwards she said, they moved to Little Mill and she told how further acts of intercourse took place when she went out with her stepfather to get sticks.

She said similar incidents occurred at various addresses each time they went out for sticks. “He would not go out without me,“ she said.

The girl also claimed her stepfather was intimate with her on occasions when her mother was not at home and in a caravan where they later lived. “He would not let me go out and made me stay there (in the caravan) with him,” she told the magistrates.

Parents Separated
In February this year, she said she started work in a factory and her parents separated. Before this happened her stepfather spent long periods away from the caravan.

Her stepfather then went to stay with a friend on a farm and she was sent each week to collect the house keeping money for her mother.

“On most of these visits intercourse took place in fields or some other secluded place until some time later, then my stepfather went to live in Sebastopol,” said the girl.

She said she also collected the housekeeping money from him when he was at Sebastopol and on one occasion he took her into a lane when another incident occurred.

“Another time he told me my cousin wanted to see me and took me across some fields, which he said was a short cut. There he got me down in some ferns. I told him to stop and I struggled, but he insisted on having intercourse with me,” she said.

A few weeks after, added the girl, she felt sick and realised she was pregnant.

“One day I met my stepfather and told him of my condition. He said not to say it was him and to say I did not know who was responsible,” she told the magistrates.

Questioning the girl in court, the man said he had not had intercourse with her as early as she claimed.

Alleged Statement
PC Robert Morgan said the stepfather told him it all started when the girl was 12 or 13. “We were always together and I think a lot of her,” he told the officer.

In a statement the man said:

“We were always about together and we were very close to each other and it just happened. After this it occurred very often but not each week.”

Referring to the time when his stepdaughter told him she was expecting a child, he said in the statement: “I asked her if anyone else had intercourse with her because if they had I would take the blame.”

“I only had intercourse with her twice after I left my wife.”

He then told the police officer: “I know I am not the only one, but I am not telling you his name; I shall take the blame myself.”

Asked if he had anything to say in court the man, who was not represented, replied: “Nothing at all.”

He was allowed bail.

October 19th – For Sale

Between Abergavenny and Pontypool, 4 miles from Usk, sale by auction with possession, charming freehold detached residence known as Glanbaiden, built of stone, brick and slated roof construction. Situated in the village of Penperlleni.

Containing: 2 reception rooms, breakfast room, kitchen, pantry, 4 bedrooms and bathroom.

Mains electricity, water and drainage.

The property is in excellent decorative and structural state.

Together with, as a separate lot of nearly an acre, a valuable parcel of building land with road frontage and adjoining the foregoing, to be conducted by

Rennie Taylor & Till on Friday November 9th at The Three Salmons Hotel Usk at 6.30pm

November 9th – Mr H I Prosser, Goytre
(In Obituaries)

November 16th – Parking Offences

A Goytre man, Gethin John Alexander (21) a machine operator, of Nantyderry road was fined £1 at Pontypool for parking his car in Crane Street during prohibited hours.

November 23rd – Fatal Tractor Accident

A foreman employed by Monmouthshire County Council, Mr Evan Dobbs (59) of New House Goytre, died after an accident involving a tractor at Llanover on Tuesday.

It is understood that Mr Dobbs fell under one of the wheels and sustained a fractured skull.

He was taken to Abergavenny’s Victoria Cottage Hospital, but died the same day.

November 30th
Inquest of Mr E Dobbs (In Inquests)

Funeral of Mr E Dobbs (In obituaries)

December 7th – Sale to-morrow

Saturday December 8th 1962 – Goytre, Tynewydd within half a mile of the Goytre Arms

J Straker, Chadwick and Sons have received instruction from Miss Prosser to conduct her unreserved dispersal sale, including;

8 Channel Island Cattle
Agricultural Implements4 ton baled hay
1959 Austin A.35 van
12 bore shotgun and 80 bullets
Sale at 1.30

December 21st – Goytre Women’s Institute

Mrs Swinnerton presided at the annual meeting, when she was re-elected president; Mrs Wilson, secretary; and Mrs E James, treasurer.

Committee members elected were Mesdames A L Morgan, D Draper, E James, B James, P Higginson, D Morris and W Bath.

Tellers were Mrs Lisle and Mrs Hawkins.

Mrs Rainforth, VCO gave an interesting talk on “what to grow for decoration.”

Competition cup for the year was won by Mrs Draper.

Highest marks at this meeting were gained by Mrs E James for her display of winter foliage.

Tea hostesses; Mesdames Harper, Palfreyman and Price.

December 28th – Mrs M Hickman, Goytre
(In obituaries)

1888 Free Press

January 20th 

The Manager of the American Cycling Team, A notable Goytrey Boy.
The following sketch of the career of Mr W.J., the son of Mr W. Morgan, The Wern Farm, Goytre, who has earned distinction both in this country and America, will be read by many friends in this district.

William J. Morgan, long distance Champion of America, and Manager of the American team, was born in Goytrey, Monmouthshire in 1863. After a British school education, and an apprenticeship of four years, when thirteen years old, to the grocery business in Dudley, Staffordshire, he returned to Wales and put in two years more behind the counter in Newport, Monmouthshire.

Here he learned to ride a bicycle and became a member of the flourishing Newport bicycle club.

In 1880 he sailed for Canada and settled in Toronto, Ontario. Bicycling was just beginning to attract public attention in the dominion, and Morgan was the first man to introduce bicycle riding into Canada, having brought a racer from England with him.

Forming the St Catherine bicycle club Mr Morgan was soon known as a celebrity on the road and path. In 1882 he crossed the line into the States and raced against John S. Price, Rollinson, Harrison brother, and others with varying success, being particularly fortunate in long distance riding.

In Chicago in 1883, out of a field of seven in the championship 12 hours per day (72 hour) race, he rode second to Prince, defeating Higham, Woodside, Shuck and others.

In 1885 he defeated Prince and a large field in the 48-hour Memphis, Tenn., six-day contest, winning by over 20 miles. In 1886 Morgan defeated Prince, who was then champion of America, ten races out of an actual twelve on the circuit, winning an 8-hour per day race a month later, and establishing professional tandem records for the world from 1 to 250 miles inclusive.

A month later he defeated a field of seven in Minneapolis in the eight hour per day international championship race, making the world record of 780 miles in 48 hours, riding the first five days without dismounting. Three weeks later he was matched for 144 hours, six-day (night and day) contest for $1000, against Albert Schock whom he defeated three weeks previous in the 48-hour race.

In this race Morgan astonished cycling America by riding 235 miles (world’s record) without stopping or making one dismount. Leading until Friday, the fifth day, with a score of 1098 miles, he was attacked with sickness, which compelled him to leave the track for six hours, which lost him the race.

Mr Morgan is not only a busy rider, but also a writer of cycling renown and his letters to all the cycling and sporting press of America on sporting matters under the Nome-du-plume of “Spokes” and “Coventry” have earned for the Anglo American distinction.

Mr Morgan was for some time connected with the Chicago Daily Inter-Ocean and Sporting Journal as a writer on sporting matters; and in turn he not only manages the affairs of his team and takes part in contests, but is also the special correspondent for the Chicago Journal, Lynn Item, and the Bicycling World and will also write for a number of other American papers on “what he sees on his travels”.

Mr Morgan stands 5 feet 7 inches high and weighs 145 lbs.

Mr Morgan’s performances in England have been somewhat limited, as his managerial duties have curtailed his practises to such an extent that he cannot find time to practise for any event that he is booked for.

His running a dead heat for second place in the Easter Handicap at Leicester in 2 mins, 36. 1-5 secs., from the 80 yards; and his win of the mile at Bridlington Quay in 2mins., 37 secs., from the 90 yards is the best work he has accomplished in Great Britain.

In Edinburgh, last October, in company with Batenby, Dabois, and Lumaden, he succeeded in beating the best 50 mile record, doing the distance in 2 hours and 41 mins.

Mr Morgan is responsible for the Edinburgh, London and Newcastle six day races, where at each place the public were turned away owing to the crowds who sought admission. The public evidently appreciated the good entertainment the Anglo-American manager provides for them.

February 10th – Rachel Anthony deceased

Notice is hereby given that all creditors and persons having any Claims or Demands against the Estate of Rachel Anthony, late of Bwrgwm in the parish of Goytre, county of Monmouth, and of 16 High Street Blaenavon, same county spinster, deceased.

Who died on or about the 26th December 1886 and whose will was proved by David Lewis of Ivor House, Blaenavon, aforesaid, one of the executors there-in named on the 22nd March 1887 in the District Registry of the Probate of her Majesty in the Court of Justices, Landaff.

Henry Jeffery Jones
Lion Street Abergavenny
Solicitor for the executor
1st day of February 1888

March 16th – Bicycles, Tricycles & Safeties

Having acquired agencies for Rudge, Sanspariel, and other well known cycles we can supply machines from £4 10s.

June 1st – Rate Case

Wm Rees, farmer of Goytrey was summoned for non-payment of £3 10s 3d poor rates due to the overseers of Goytrey.

Mr Gwatkin, assistant overseer gave evidence as to the claim and in the result defendant was ordered to pay the amount, less 6s 2d, an incorrect charge made by the auditor some time since.

June 1st – Application for Ejectment Order

Wm. Lewis was summoned to show why a warrant of ejectment order should not be issued against him in respect of premises at Goytrey in which he was in possession.

It will be remembered that the matter was before the court a fortnight ago, at the instance of the landlord, Col. Byrde, who then agreed to accept a nominal rent of £1 a year from Lewis, who however, would not agree to the arrangement but asked for a fortnight to consider the suggestion. – he did not now appear.

Col. Byrde went into the witness box and deposed that in March 1861, a widow named Lewis whose husband had recently died asked him if he would re-new a lease from the Earl of Abergavenny, that her family had held some years before, as some other persons had made application for it that she thought would not do very well by her.

He therefore made application to the Marquis of Abergavenny and obtained the lease in 1861. He then allowed the widow to occupy the house until 1884 when she died.

He might say that part of the house had been burnt down, and at present consisted of a little kitchen below and a little room upstairs with a ladder assent to it, she occupied it until her death. Her sons came to her occasionally during that time and her son William went into occupation, and applicant allowed him to remain in occupation for a couple of years, when fearing that he might think he was entitled to remain in occupation for the remainder of his life applicant sent to him a demand note for rent.

Then it was that he set up a claim, and said he would not turn out and that involved the necessity for the present application.

Had Lewis acknowledged the applicant’s right he would have probably allowed him to remain there sometime longer, as he [Col. Byrde] had always paid the rent and taxes:

By Mr Parkes; Witness took the lease at the request of Lewis’s mother in order to allow her to remain in possession and always paid all demands.

Mr Phillips: Then so far as the son is concerned it is really a case of taking advantage of your kindness to his mother?

Col Byrde: I suppose so.

Mr Gwatkin the assistant overseer, having proved that the rates relating to the property were always paid by Col. Byrde, and not by the past or present tenants, the application was granted.

July 6th – Application for a Horse Slaughterer’s License

Mr T.M. Phillips applied, on behalf of Minnie Court, Tilbach Farm, Mamhilad for a license to enable her to carry on the business of horse slaughterer. The license had been held by the husband, who was now bankrupt, and the wife was desirous of having the license in her own name.

The Chairman: Has the necessary notice been given?

Mr Phillips: Not in the name of the wife.

The Chairman: Then I am afraid we cannot grant the license.

Mr Phillips: Then I ask that the license be renewed to the husband.

The Chairman: Can we grant a license to a bankrupt?

Mr G.H. Llewellyn the official receiver of Newport, was present in court, and was asked if he had any objection to the license being granted.

On replying in the negative, the license was granted.

October 16th – Parish of Goytrey – Desirable Freehold Property For Sale

Messrs Straker and Son

Will sell by auction

At the Swan Hotel Abergavenny on Tuesday 16th day of October 1888

3 o’clock in the afternoon

All that dwelling house called Bwlgwrn

Situate near Pengroesoped, in the Parish of Goytrey in the County of Monmouth

With the Barn, Stables, Piggery and productive Garden well stocked with productive fruit trees And Two Pieces of Excellent Meadow Land

Adjoining the whole and covering 2a 0r 6p or thereabouts and now or late in the occupation of Mrs Rachel Jones the owner

The property is in a good state of repair and adjoins Col. Byrde’s estate and is situate about 1 mile from the village of Llanover; about 5 miles from the market towns of Pontypool and Abergavenny; 4 miles from the town of Blaenavon and about 11/2 miles from Nantyderry Station [GWR]

For further particulars apply to auctioneer

November 16th – Unsustained Charge of Assault

Henry Neate, a signalman, was charged with assaulting Mary Gregory at Nantyderry on the 21st ult.,
Mr T Watkins appeared for the defendant and pleaded not guilty.

Complainant, an infirm old woman, who gave her evidence in a rambling fashion, said on the night prior to the assault, said she was in the Nantyderry Station with the defendant, who formerly lodged with her.

Defendant went out to signal a train, and whilst he was away she looked under a paper he had spread out on a bench, and saw his supper. When he came in he said she had been eating some of his supper, which she denied.

He told her she had better go, and she did so. On the following night she saw the defendant and asked him if she had eaten his supper. He said she had and she denied it. He said he could not take his oath of it, and that, but for her being an old woman he would give her a good shaking.

She told him he had better not, and with that he caught hold of her, forced her against some railings, causing a wound on her arm, and hurting her dreadfully. She was attended by Dr Wood afterwards.

Defendant pushed her all the way from the end of the row to her own house, and when she was on the door, “bleeding in streams,” he got a bucket of water and threw it over her.

Cross-examined: – She was not in such a state on the Saturday night as to forget what time she was in the station.

Mr Watkins: You are rather jovial on Saturday nights?

The Chairman: She doesn’t know what jovial means.

Mr Phillips: That’s too classical an expression for her. Were you drunk on this Saturday night?

Witness: No Sir. All I had was with my family in my own house, and nobody can say more.

Cross-examined: She had not been to Pontypool on the Saturday. She did not turn round in the station and spit meat out of her mouth. She spoke to defendant first about the supper on Sunday night.

Mr Watkins: Didn’t you fetch a bucket of water and tumble over the bucket afterwards?

Witness: Oh! Oh! (Laughter)

Mr Watkins: Don’t faint, we can get some water here.

Witness denied having fetched a bucket of water. She was not drunk on the previous Friday, and had no fall on the previous day.

Mr E.T. Cook, assistant to Dr Woods, produced a certificate from that gentleman, who was unwell and unable to be present. The certificate stated that the writer had attended complainant for contusion of the left ribs and lacerations on the arms, she also complained of pains all over her body.

For the defence, Mr Watkins said the complainant went to the station in a state of drunkenness, which was not at all an unusual state for her. Whilst defendant was out of the station, she commenced to eat his supper, after which she left. On the following night she asked him if he accused her of eating his supper, to which he said he did.

She caught hold of his two hands and spat in his face two or three times. He led her to the house, after which she returned with a bucket of water, which she threw over him. In doing so she fell over the bucket and a step nearby. He could also prove, if necessary, she had had a fall on the previous Friday. – Thomas Cooke, a coachman of Gloucester, formerly of Nantyderry, said that on Sunday night he was standing by his door, with his wife and child, when the defendant passed.

The complainant asked him if she said he had eaten his supper, and he said he did. She denied it again, when the defendant repeated the accusation, and told her not to speak to him again. With that she called him an offensive name, jumped at him, pushed him against the railings, and kicked him twice in succession on the shins. With that defendant caught hold of her arms and led her towards the house, where she spat twice in his face in the most disgusting manner. He put her inside the house and shut the door, after which she came out and threw a bucket of water over him. In doing so she fell over the bucket and a step. Defendant retaliated by throwing the remainder of the contents of the bucket of water, a few drops going on her shoulder and in her face. After that, her poor old husband re-filled the bucket to poor over defendant again.

Complainant: Shame on you Cooke! (Laughter)

Complainant was requested to question the witness, but her cross-examination consisted of a series of her former statements, in the course of which she admitted she spat in defendants face.

The Chairman said they could not find that complainant’s statement was proved, especially after the evidence of an independent witness, whose word they had no reason to doubt.

Complainant must have misunderstood the thing altogether, the case would be dismissed.

Mr Watkins asked for the expenses of the witness, who had been subconded to attend from Gloucester.

The Chairman said the complainant was a poor old woman, they could not grant the application.

Complainant: I got nothing to pay anybody, (laughter).

Mr Watkins said he was only acting according to his instructions. He might say that they might have proceeded against complainant on a cross summons had they wished, so that she had been saved that expense.

November 23rd – Non-payment of Poor Rates

Louisa Waites was summoned by the overseers of the parish of Goytrey, for non-payment of 15s poor rates
Defendant pleaded poverty, and on that ground was excused from payment.

December 21st

The first concert for the season in connection with the Tonic Sol-fa class was given in the British Schoolroom on Thursday evening the 19th inst., the proceeds being in aid of the school funds.

Col. Byrde presided over a large and appreciative audience. The selection of songs was of a decidedly superior character, while the manner in which they were rendered reflected great credit upon the performers.

The comic songs, (in character) by Mr Rogers, elicited roars of laughter, while a humorous reading by Mr H. Byrde, and a dialogue by Mr Jeremiah and party caused a great deal of amusement.

Two cornet solos were given by Mr D. Bowen, who acquitted himself in a highly satisfactory manner.