Tea at Chapel Ed 1863

Free Press March 14 1863

GOYTREY – The temperance band of hope met at Penpelleny Cross at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, and formed in procession headed by their temperance band, and superintendent. In passing the smith’s shop they received not a few “good reports.” At Goytrey house they were most cheerfully welcomed by Col. And Lady Bird, and by a party of about 60, who had dined there. Having sung “Touch not the Cup,” they returned to Chapel Ed, to enjoy a treat of tea and cake, which was given to the members of the society. At 7 p.m., a temperance meeting was held, when addresses were delivered by the chairman, (Rev. D. Hargest,) Mr John Jenkins, and Mr John Ballard, and many interesting recitation, dialogues, &c., given, interspersed with appropriate singing. The meeting concluded with an addition of 27 “recruits.”


Good Friday! Good Friday!

ARE YOU COMING? – To where? For a country

trip on GOOD FRIDAY next, to

Chapel-Ed tea meeting, Goytrey.


Single Fares from Pontypool to Nantyderry Station;

Thence, a beautiful 10 minutes’ walk through a grove.

Don’t forget

Tickets may be had of MISS JONES, Bristol

House, Pontnewynydd; MR THOMAS JONES, Grocer, &c.,

Sowhill, Pontypool; and MISS PROSSER, Caroline-st.

The Train will leave Nantyderry at 9 p.m., by which

You can return after the PUBLIC SERVICE.


Free Press April 11 1863

THE ANNUAL TEA MEETING AT CHAPEL-ED, Goytrey was celebrated on Good Friday, when an immense number of people were present. There were two services in the chapel during the day – morning and evening. At a cursory glance at the prospects of a tea party at the very small hamlet of Goytrey being fertile in the monetary bearing, one would naturally be inclined to predict an unfavourable issue, but when on takes into consideration that it has as its object a good cause, viz., the expansion of the funds of the chapel, and that Goytrey itself is surrounded on every side by picturesque scenery, – rivulets glittering like serpents in the sunshine or like threads of silver, and wooded heights gilded with the gleams of the sun where the fresh breezes blend with the carolling of the feathered tribe, – it is not, then, to be wondered at that such a large number of people availed themselves of the opportunity of visiting the sparsely populated hamlet on this occasion. The grave-yard of the chapel in which the “rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep in their narrow cells,” was, in common with the others in the neighbourhood, strewn with flowers which had been deposited there on the previous Sunday, but their wither appearance more forcibly impressed us with the speedy and relentless decay of all animated nature. However, a very pleasant day was spent, the tea and cake was plentiful and good, and Mr Hargent’s courtesy was marked, and contributed not a little to promote the successful manner in which the annual reunion passed off.


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