County Observer Feb 23 1867 – USK
An extraordinary meeting was held at the Town-hall on the 16th inst., when there was present a large attendance of waywardens beside three ex-officios, for considering the financial position of the board and other purposes, and to reconsider the resolution of the previous meeting, and to rescind any one or more of them if though expedient. Mr John Morgan took the chair in the absence of Mr. Watkins. On the motion of Mr. Watkins, seconded by Mr. Price of Usk, the resolution passed at the last meeting staying proceedings against the parish of Goytrey for an undefinate period was rescinded by a considerable majority. Mr. Relph and Mr. Lister, two of the magistrates, did not vote. It was found necessary to make some further calls, – viz on Glascoed £16; Gweresney £6, Llangeview £15: Llantrissent £20, Llanbaddock £20, and Usk £50, to be paid on or before the 15th March.