Baker, Francis – 1883

Fatal Accident at Nantyderry – 12th October 1883


On Friday morning last Mr. E D Batt coroner held an inquest at the refreshment rooms Nantyderry concerning  the death of Francis Baker aged 16, a lad porter who was employed by the GWR at Nantyderry station..

He was crushed between two trucks at the station on Wednesday week. Mr. Wm. Aulton acted as foreman of the jury. Insp Hawkins, Hereford, was present on behalf of the Railway Company.  George Clements a signalman said in answer to the coroner that at 8.30 on  Monday 3rd instant he was working with deceased on a siding at the above station.  They were upon some trucks one of which was wanted out from amongst some others. Deceased was busy at a station truck and he got down ready to couple it .

Witness told him it was not his duty to do such work but the warning was disregarded.  Several trucks attached to a locomotive were shunted down the station one and as the unfortunate lad was prepared to couple it on he was caught between the buffers and jammed.

He was lodging close to the station.  Thomas Pape said he had been working under him. Mother of deceased was staying a few doors away.

Accidental death “crushed”.


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