T64 – Account for Miss Charlotte Bird


Miss Charlotte Bird –
1820 – July 20th – Paid for you at Bromley as per Mrs Chalklen’s account 12 19 6

1821 – March – Paid for piano forte to Mr Phillips 10 00 0

1822 – September – Cash to go to Aberayron 11 00 0

December – Stamp for transfer of Midland Shares 2 0 0

50 19 6

December 25 – To 1 share in the Mon’shire canal transferred to you 170 00 0

To remain in balance of your share of the property listed In the land by mortgage £512 10 11

£682 10 11

Total sum paid to you and received in the land £733 10 5

It appears by the above account that I have the sum of £512-10-11 of your money in the land for which you have a joint mortgage with your mother, Lucy, Fanny and Maria and the interest I have to pay your mother for you on this sum of £512-10-11 at five pounds per cent per annum amounts to £25-12-6 a year which I shall continue to pay to her on your account till forbid by you to do so.

Henry Bird


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