Walter Richards 1821

NLW Ref: LL/1821/36

Know all me by these presents that we James Watkins       of the parish of Goytre   in the County of   Monmouth farmer William Powell of the parish of Lanover in the said County farmer and John Williams of the Town of Usk in the said County yeoman     are held and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God William   by divine permission Lord Bishop of Llandaff       in the sum of six hundred         pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid unto the said Lord Bishop or to his certain attorney his executors administrators or assigns to which payment well and truly to be made. We oblige ourselves and each of us by himself for the whole our and each of our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals dated eighth     day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one


The Condition of this obligation is such that if Elizabeth Watkins wife of the above bounden James Watkins (the lawful daughter and substituted legatee named in the last Will and Testament of Walter Richards   late of the parish of Goytre aforesaid farmer deceased and administratrix of all and   singular the goods chattels and credits of the said   deceased (with his said Will annexed) do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of her     the said         or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for her and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited in the Registry of the Consistory Court of Llandaff     on or before the last day of November         next ensuing and the same goods chattels and credits and all other the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased do well and faithfully administer according to law, that is to say, do pay the debts of the said deceased which he   did owe at   his   death and then the legacies contained and specified in the said Will annexed to the said Letters of Administration so to be committed as far as     his     goods chattels and credits will thereto extend and the law charge     and further do make or cause to be made a true and just accompt of her   said administration when   she     shall be thereunto lawfully required. And all the rest and reside of the said goods chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said accompt and not otherwise disposed of in the said Will the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges of the said Court for the time being shall distribute and pay in such manner and form as shall be limited by the direction of the said Judge. And lastly do at all times hereafter clearly acquit discharge and save harmless the within named Lord Bishop the said Judge and all other officers of the said Court against all persons having or pretending to have any right title or interest in the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased then this obligation to be void or else to remain in full force ant virtue.   James Watkins; William Powell; Jno Williams

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of..? Phillips, Usk

Diocese of   Landaff         In the Consistory Court.     In the Goods of     Walter Richards   deceased,

Appeared Personally Elizabeth Watkins, wife of James Watkins       of the parish of   Goytre   in the County of Monmouth administratrix with the last Will and Testament         of the said Walter Richards       late of the parish of Goytre       aforesaid   farmer       deceased, who died on the eleventh         day of   March last       and made Oath that the Estate and Effects of the said deceased, for and in respect of which a Probate of the said Will is to be granted, exclusive of what the said deceased may have been possessed of or entitled to as a Trustee for any other Person or Persons, and not beneficially, and without deducting any thing on account of the Debts due and owing from the said deceased, are under the value of three hundred   Pounds, to the best of this       Deponent’s knowledge, information, and belief. And   she     lastly made Oath that the said deceased did not die possessed of any Leasehold Estate or Estates for years, either absolute or determinable, on a life or lives to the best of this Deponent’s knowledge, information and belief. Elizabeth Watkins

Sworn on the 8th       Day of   May 1821         before me Hugh Williams, MA, Surrogate


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