Richard Thomas 1635

NLW Ref: LL/1635/43

In the name of God Amen the fowerteeneth daie of August in the yere of our Lorde God one thowsande six hundreth thirtie fower I Richard Thomas of the pyshe of Goytrey in the Com of Monmoth and dioces of Landaffe yeoman beinge of good and perfecte memorie thanked be God doe make my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge that is to saie

First I comende my Soule to God and my bodie to be buried in Christian buriall. And as touchinge the disposicione and devise of all my landes and tenements sett lienge and beinge in the pishe of Goytrey and Countey of Monmoth I give and bequeath the same and every pte and pcell thereof togeather wth all and all maner of houses and buildinges scituate lyeinge and beinge in and upon the sayd lands and tenements wth all and all maner of comodities and rights belonging and appteyninge to the same and all and singular theire appurtenances to William Phillipp one of the sonnes of my brother Phillipp Thomas and his heires forever.

And I will and my last minde and testament is that Marie vergh John my wiffe shall duringe her naturall liffe quietly and peaceably enioye the foresayd lands and tenements wth all and singular theire appurtenances.

And of this my last will and testament I die nominate and ordayne the fore named Marie vergh John my wiffe and William Phillipp my nephewe to be my verie and lawfull executors. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my seale given the daie and yere first above written.


Richard Thomas

Sealed and deliv’ed in the p’sence of Phillipp Thomas; John Thomas Powell; James….?

Proved at Usk 4 August 1636….. Phillip Thomas … ……


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