NLW Ref: LL/1687?35
Charles Philip William Goytrey – May 1687
In the name of God Amen I Charles William Phillipp of the parish of Goitrey within the County of Monmoth yeoman, within the Diocess of Landaph, being sick in body but of good and pfect memory, praise be unto Almighty God, doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in maner and forme folowing. First and principaly I comend my soule into the hands of the Almighty God in whome through his meritorious death and passion to be saved in Christ Jesus, and my body to be buried in the parish church of Goitrey.
I give and bequeath towards the Cathedrall Church of Landaph one shilling.
Ite I give devise and bequeath unto David my sone one howse two gardens and one meadow and three parcells of land being and being within the parish of Goitry there adioning to other lands in Lanvair Gilgidin.
Ite I give and bequeath one meadow called Y Pownd Ycha, one other meadow called Y Pownd Issa and one other pcell of ground called Kae Yr Pownd being and being in Lanvair Gilgidin with a lane leading from the lands of Morgan William John and from thence to the mill of Lanvair Gilgidin unto David my said son and to his heires for ever upon condition and intention that he the [page damaged. DW] the sume of five pownd of curent money unto Elizabeth my daughter to be paid within the space five years that is to say twenty shillings yearly if shee hapen soe long to live.
It I give devise and bequeath unto Ales my beloved wief one howse one garden one orchard one barne with other out howses with six parcell of lands and pcel of woods with their apurtenances bieing and being within the parish of Goytrey for and dureing the tearme of her natureall life. And after her decease I give devise and bequeath the aforesaid tenement and lands with their apurtenances unto Peeter my son and his heires for ever, excepting one howse and half a kover of ground unto Elizabeth my daughter for the tearme of her natureall life only.
It my mind and meaning is that Ales my wief is to pay the sume of twenty shillings within the space of one yeare after my decease unto David my son.
I give and bequeath all my howshould mplements whatsoever unto my beloved wief and Peeter my sone excepting one cupboard one table and one beadsteed unto David my son after the decease of my daughter Elizabeth unto David my sone.
Ite I give and bequeath all my corn in the howse and all my corne growing whatsoever betweene my beloved wiefe and Peeter my sone joyntly uppon condition that Ales my said wief and Peeter my said sone shall discharge and pay unto Jane my daughter the sume of tenn pownds that is to say the sume of five pownds within the space of one yeare after my decease and the like sume of five pownd the second yeare after my decease.
It I doe nominat and apoint Ales my beloved wiefe and Peeter my sonn to be jointe executors of this my last will and Testament revocking all former wills by me made. In wittness where of I have here unto sett my hand and seale the 23th day of Aprill in the first yeare of the reign of our sov’eign Lord King James the second of England Scotland France and Irland and in the yeare of our Lord God 1685. Charles William…..
Sealed and deliv’ed in the presence of us Geo Williams; Trevor Edwards; Francis Thomas; Charles William; Richard David; Henry William
The 20th day of January 1687. Memorand that this will was then pduced unto Francis Thomas, Charles Wm als Mathew and Henry Williams att the time of their sev’all and respective executions in a certeine caase depending att … betweene David Charles complainant and Alice William & Peeter Charles defendant before us Rich Sams?; Wm Proger; …? Walter;…? Williams?
A true and pfect inventory of all the goods & chattles of Charles William Phillip of the pishe of Goytrey in the said County late deceased praysed the sixth day of May Ano Regin Reg Jacobi nunc Regis Angli &c Primis: Anno Dni 1685
£ s d
Inp’mis his wearing appell 02 10 00
It fower oxen at 06 10 00
It three farrow kyne 04 00 00
It three yearlings 1 00 00
It two horses & one mare 02 00 00
It eawes & lambs – thirteen 1 10 00
It yeareling sheep 0 12 00
It fower piggs 00 10 00
It one feather bed one bolster wth its furniture 01 10 00
It one dousbed & furniture 00 10 00
It one chest & three coffers 00 10 00
It one brasen pott one brasen pan one citle two iron crocks & pewter dishes 01 05 00
Wooden vessells 00 05 00
It six acres of wheat & rye 01 10 00
It barly ten acres 00 14 00
It fower acres of pease 00 08 00
It ten acres of oats 00 10 00
It corn in the house 4 bush 00 10 00
It all implemts of husbandry 00 05 00
It three fleeches of bakon 00 06 00
26 15 00
Praysers:- Geo Williams; Amberos? Williams; Richard Griffith; Charles Jones
(Latin) Proved 7 May 1687 before the Rev John Watkins, Surrogate by the executors