Sudden Death of the Parish Clerk – 13th August 1904 County Observer
We regret to report the death of Mr John Jones a very old and much respected inhabitant of this village, who, for over 36 years was the parish clerk.
Deceased, who was 79 years of age had been in failing health and was visiting his eldest son, Mr Edwin Jones, Chief Inspector of the GWR Cardiff.
At almost mid-day on the 31st ultimate he complained of feeling unwell and went to lie down, thinking it would pass off, but at 1 o’clock his daughter-in-law found him in a state of collapse. Medical aid was sought but he passed away before the arrival of the Doctor.
An inquest was held at the Town Hall Cardiff on the following Wednesday by the coroner for the district when Dr Grant certified that Syncope was the cause of death and the jury returned a verdict in accordance to the medical evidence.
(Ed. John Jones is my great-great-grandfather.)
(Ed. Syncope is a loss of consciousness caused by a fall in blood pressure).