1856 Free Press

June 14th – Caution to smokers

A few days since, a serious fire took place at the Wood Mill in the parish of Goitre adjacent to the Nantyderry station on the Newport Abergavenny and Hereford railway, for some time past in the occupation of Mr Williams.
It appears from facts afforded that smoke was observed issuing from a well built and commodious barn situated at the rear of the mill in which was placed about 60 bushels of wheat and upon proceeding thither the interior was found to be in flames.
Assistance from neighbours and others was kindly rendered endeavoured with buckets and other utensils to throw water upon the building but their combined efforts proved unavailing, the fire having gained a mastery over them and the barn was consequently, in a short time entirely gutted.
The fire, we understand, was occasioned by a man who was engaged in the building thrashing, smoking a pipe, a spark from which fell amongst the straw and hence the disaster.
It is hoped that this occurrence will act as a caution to parties allowing servants to smoke about their buildings, which reprehensible conduct so frequently terminates in the destruction of the property and not infrequently in sacrifice of human life.


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